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Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫、百度贴吧帖子 | 百度贴吧评论回复爬虫 | 知乎问答文章|评论爬虫
Pupy is an opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) C2 and post-exploitation framework written in python and C
⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
Blind&Invisible Watermark ,图片盲水印,提取水印无须原图!
Py2/py3 script that can download macOS components direct from Apple
🛡️ Windows Hello™ style facial authentication for Linux
🎉 Repo for LaWGPT, Chinese-Llama tuned with Chinese Legal knowledge. 基于中文法律知识的大语言模型
Exphub[漏洞利用脚本库] 包括Webloigc、Struts2、Tomcat、Nexus、Solr、Jboss、Drupal的漏洞利用脚本,最新添加CVE-2020-14882、CVE-2020-11444、CVE-2020-10204、CVE-2020-10199、CVE-2020-1938、CVE-2020-2551、CVE-2020-2555、CVE-2020-2883、CVE-…
The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
awesome game security [Welcome to PR]
An English-language shell for any OS, powered by LLMs
Decrypted content of odd.tar.xz.gpg, swift.tar.xz.gpg and windows.tar.xz.gpg
免费开源A股量化交易数据库; 专注A股,专注量化,向阳而生; 开放、纯净、持续、为Ai(爱)发电。为个人量化交易而生,保卫3000点,珍惜底部机会......【股票数据,股票行情数据,股票量化数据,股票交易数据,k线行情数据,股票概念数据,股票数据接口,行情数据接口,量化交易数据】【多数据源融合,动态设置代理,保障数据高可用性】
Simple real time visualisation of the execution of a Python program.
Py script that uses acidanthera's macserial to generate SMBIOS and optionally saves them to a plist.
IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
Toolkit to emulate firmware and analyse it for security vulnerabilities
Python decompiler for 3.7-3.8 Stripped down from uncompyle6 so we can refactor and start to fix up some long-standing problems
Reverse-engineering the new “captchaless” ReCaptcha system...