- Wasserstein Auto-Encoders of Merge Trees / Pers. Diagrams (IEEE TVCG 2024)
- Topological simplification optimization (IEEE VIS 2024)
- TopoMap dimensionality reduction (IEEE TVCG 2020)
- TTK is Getting MPI-ready! (IEEE TVCG 2024)
- ExTreeM merge tree computation backend (IEEE TVCG 2024)
- Ripser integration
- DMS performance improvements (allocation)
- Saddle connector reversal performance improvements
- Signed distance fields
- Migration to ParaView 5.12, 5.13
- Switch to C++17
- Bug fixes
- Principal Geodesic Analysis of Merge Trees / Pers. Diagrams (IEEE TVCG 2023)
- Parallel Computation of Morse-Smale Segmentations (IEEE TVCG 2023)
- Branch Mapping Distance between Merge Trees (EuroVis 2022)
- Path Mapping Distance between Merge Trees (IEEE TopoInVis 2022)
- TTK is Getting MPI-Ready \0/ !!!
- Migration to ParaView 5.11.1
- Switch to C++14
- Discrete Morse Sandwich performance improvements (parallel efficiency)
- Morse Smale Complex performance improvements
- Wasserstein distance performance improvements
- Support for Persistence Diagrams in Merge Tree Clustering
- Clustering scores (NMI/ARI)
- Dimensionality reduction metric preservation score (DistanceMatrixDistortion)
- On-surface smoothing
- API improvements
- Bug fixes
- Discrete Morse Sandwich & persistent generators (IEEE TVCG 2023)
- Persistence diagram approximation (IEEE LDAV 2021)
- Compact triangulations (IEEE TVCG 2021)
- Rips complex
- Triangulation manager
- PersistentSimplexPairs backend (Zomorodian 2010), slow.
- Bug fixes
- Documentation improvements
- Online examples
- Official integration into ParaView-5.10 \0/ clap! clap! clap! \0/
- Migration to ParaView-5.9.1
- Wasserstein Distances, Geodesics, Barycenters of Merge Trees (IEEE VIS 2021)
- Progressive Scalar Field Topology (IEEE TVCG 2021)
- Direct LTS-based persistence sensitive simplification
- Improved Persistence diagram clustering features
- Marking deprecated filters (ParaView integration)
- Explicit triangulation performance improvement
- IO for preconditioned triangulations
- Morphological modules (DilateErode)
- StableManifoldPersistence module
- Pareto set extension to Jacobi sets
- More performance optimization (Discrete Morse Theory / Morse-Smale complex)
- Improved ZFP integration (fixed accuracy instead of fixed rate)
- Support for WebSocketIO (web browser interaction)
- CMake improvements
- Bug fixes
- Migration to VTK9/ParaView-5.8.0 \0/ clap! clap! clap! \0/
- Support for ParaView-5.7.0 \0/
- New branching management
- New triangulation preconditioning for regular grids
- New templated triangulation API (up to x2 speedup)
- New debugging API
- New module API (simpler, clearer, more convenient)
- Performance updates for the Morse-Smale complex (e.g. improved worstcase runtime with processlowerStar, IEEE PAMI 2011)
- Order-based simulation of simplicity (big performance updates)
- Localized Topological Simplification of Scalar Data (IEEE VIS 2020)
- Fuzzy Contour Trees: Alignment and Joint Layout of Multiple Contour Trees (EuroVis 2020)
- Cinema Darkroom: A Deferred Rendering Framework for Large-Scale Datasets (IEEE LDAV 2020)
- Automatic deb binary packaging (for Ubuntu, Windows, MacOS)
- Updated examples
- Many fixes
- Progressive Wasserstein Barycenters of Persistence Diagrams (IEEE VIS 2019)
- Fast Wasserstein distance between Persistence Diagrams (auction+kd-tree)
- Support for periodic grids
- Improved dimension reduction (support for distance matrices)
- Extended Cinema support (compression, improved SQL support)
- VTK/Python API with conda-forge packaging
- Updated examples
- Fixes
- Updates for ParaView-5.6.1
- ContourAroundPoint (EnvirVis 2019 paper)
- Task-based Parallel Reeb Graphs with Dynamic ST-Trees (EGPGV 2019 paper)
- Nested Tracking Graphs (EuroVis 2017 paper)
- Morse-Smale quadrangulation (SIGGRAPH 2006 paper)
- Harmonic scalar field design (SMI 2009 paper)
- Eigen functions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator (cotan weights)
- Eigen and spectra support
- Barycentric subdivision
- Updated python examples
- Docker support
- Planar graph layout module
- Improved tracking from overlap (modular, templated, streaming support)
- New identifier sorter (for example to select the N most persistent features)
- Memory footprint improvement for the discrete gradient
- New unified plugin library
- Improved memory
- Bug fixes
- Clang-formatting
- Updates for ParaView-5.6.0
- Tracking from overlap
- TTK pipeline filters (ForEachRow)
- Depth image based geometry approximation (IEEE LDAV 2018 paper)
- Advanced cinema+sqlite3 support
- Lifted Wasserstein Matcher for Topology Time-Tracking (IEEE LDAV 2018 paper)
- Dimension reduction for high dimensional data (scikit-learn integration)
- Automatic guesses for ttk generated fields
- Improved type consistency
- Improved ParaView GUIs
- DataSet Interpolator (interpolate anything onto anything)
- Improved triangulation request
- Bug fixes
- Fixed major performance bug with discrete gradient (thanks to Attila Gyulassy)
- TDA aware compression (with ZLIB and ZFP support)
- New addressing scheme (allowing up to 64 bit ids), for extreme size datasets
- Automatic offset selection
- Updates for ParaView-5.5.2
- Various bug fixes
- Improved examples
- Basic windows continuous integration support
- 1000th commit!
- Updates for ParaView-5.5.0
- Bug fixes
- Removed global namespace usage in headers
- Fixes for gcc 4
- Fixes for clang
- Improved triangulation consistency in 2D and 1D
- Improved consistency in morse-smale complex computation
- Manifold check module
- Point merger
- Minimalist OBJ writer
- Support for double and single precision for point coordinates
- Windows support
- OFF reader/writer
- Field selector
- Bug fixes
- Updates for ParaView-5.4.1
- New cmake structure, find_package(TTKBase) find_package(TTKVTK) now available
- New simple python, vtk-c++ and plain c++ examples (TTK companion paper teaser)
- Greatly accelerated merge tree features using task-based Fibonacci heaps
- Bottleneck and Wasserstein distances between peristence diagrams
- Lp distance between scalar fields
- boundary mask on scalar field critical points
- optional 3D embedding of the persistence diagram
- optional mask array for constrained smoothing
- bug fixes in DiscreteGradient
- bug fixes in TopologicalSimplification
- code cleaning
- Updates for ParaView-5.4.0
- New naming convention for vtkWrappers (name conflicts under MacOs)
- TriangulationRequest module (to locally inspect triangulations in ParaView)
- improved time efficiency for link queries on implicit triangulations
- constructors fixes for VTK wrappers
- removed legacy CMake options
- minor bug fixes
- latest triangulation API
- improved module handling scripts
- build fixes (in response to early user feedback)
- updates for VTK-7.1.0 and ParaView-5.3.0
- IdentifierRandomizer module (to shuffle segmentation ids)