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(UTC +01:00) - in/MohamedRejeb
- u/mohamedbenrjeb
- @MohamadRejeb
- @MohamadRejeb
- Pro
Pencil-Loader-Animation Public
Custom Pencil Loader Animation made using Jetpack compose and canvas.
drawing-android-app Public
Drawing native android app using Kotlin and XML
CleanArchitectureSample Public
Clean architecture android app made using jetpack compose and firebase
android_logo_compose_canvas Public
A simple android logo made using compose canvas
chatgpt-android Public
Forked from skydoves/chatgpt-android📱 ChatGPT Android demonstrates OpenAI's ChatGPT on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
DashCoin Public
Forked from MathRoda/DashCoinLight & Modern Crypto Currency Tracker with Jetpack Compose.
ExtendedSpans Public
Forked from saket/extended-spansSquiggly underlines and rounded corners for text in Compose UI
Compose-Drawing-App Public
Forked from SmartToolFactory/Compose-Drawing-App✏️🚀 Drawing app written with Jetpack Compose Canvas. Draw using touch down, move and up events.Using array of paths to have erase, undo, or redo actions and set properties for path that will be dra…
Kotlin UpdatedFeb 25, 2022