daftlistings enables programmatic interaction with daft.ie
daftlistings is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI).
You can install daftlistings using pip.
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install daftlistings
from daftlistings import Daft
daft = Daft()
listings = daft.get_listings()
for listing in listings:
print(' ')
for more code examples, check out the examples section.
The documentation has been created using mkdocs and the mkdocs material theme. To update the documentation, clone the repository and edit the markdown files in the docs/ directory.
To view your changes, run:
$ mkdocs serve
To build and publish the documentation, run:
$ sh deploy_docs.sh "Updating documentation"
The Python unittest module contains its own test discovery function, which you can run from the command line:
$ python -m unittest discover tests/
- Fork the project and clone locally.
- Create a new branch for what you're going to work on.
- Push to your origin repository.
- Create a new pull request in GitHub.