Additive-deletion filter method for IIS computation with Python-MIP
Online supplement of: "Conflict Analysis for MINLP" by Timo Berthold and Jakob Witzig
Maintenance Model of Power System with Matlab and Yalmip, including the maintenance of branches and generators, and a partial mantenance is allowed for branches. The Object Functions are 1.Maximize…
District heating and cooling network design and simulation tool, largely inspired by PandaPower
This repository contains details of two projects, that are Multiphysics simulations in heat transfer. One is the simulation of a 'Thermal Antenna' and the other one is the 'District heating area ne…
Network simulation of AGH UST heat exchange system
A python based simulation framework for the thermohydraulic simulation of prosumer-dominated heat networks.
Heat and electric grid simulation and resilience analysis
This program implements day-ahead scheduling models (i) SCUC with daily/constant line rating and (ii) SCUC with hourly/dynamic line rating. This work is under the open license: CC BY 4.0.
This set of codes implements our TPWRS paper "Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Considering Locational Frequency Stability in Low-Inertia Power Grids". This work is under the open license: CC BY…
This set of codes implements our TPWRS paper "Feasibility Layer Aided Machine Learning Approach for Day-Ahead Operations". This work is under the open license: CC BY 4.0.
A CVXPY extension for handling nonconvex QCQP via Suggest-and-Improve framework
A project for implementing the work done in the paper "Learning Optimal Solutions for Extremely Fast AC Optimal Power Flow"
Power Systems Optimization : Security Constrained Unit Commitment Economic Dispatch (SC-UCED) solved with Benders decomposition
Matlab Package of classical benders decomposition method, generalized benders decomposition method and multi-cut generalized benders decomposition method.
Integrated Energy Distribution System Planning method, include a matlab version and a Python version
DC3: A Learning Method for Optimization with Hard Constraints
This repository stores the main codes for the DeepOPF projects.
Task-based end-to-end model learning in stochastic optimization
The implementation of scenario generation for renewables production process
Secured Constraints Unit Commitment model of Power system, including the model based on AC flow equation and DC flow equation. Only the constraints in pre-contingency state are considered. There is…
The power system unit commitment电力系统机组组合
In Matlab environment, the Cplex solver is used to solve the problem of unit commitment. Numerical experiments of a novel projected two-binary-variable formulation for unit commitment in power syst…
Optimization package for the Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Problem
Predict and search framework for MilP
This set of codes implements our TPWRS paper "Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Assisted Reduced Security-Constrained Unit Commitment". This work is under the open license: CC BY 4.0.