This course has been offered by the staff of MIT on the edX platform. Many but not all of the lectures include detailed notes (HTML with embedded LaTeX), and this document is an attempt to pull everything together in LaTeX format, adding supplementary notes as necessary.
This process has proved slow (and tedious), so I can't guarantee to continue for the rest of the course. In their current state the source files may perhaps be useful to anyone willing and able to improve them.
Colin Leach
I used TeXnicCenter 2.02 and MiKTeX 2.9 on Windows. So far as I have tested it, Tex Live on Linux Mint also works (type "pdflatex 6008notes.tex" in the directory containing this file).
All the \usepackage commands are in header.tex, which gives you a good idea of the dependancies.
The document is currently set to US Letter paper size. You can switch to A4 by changing the first line of header.tex.