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Official code for the paper "Monkey See, Monkey Do: Harnessing Self-attention in Motion Diffusion for Zero-shot Motion Transfer"

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Monkey See, Monkey Do: Harnessing Self-attention in Motion Diffusion for Zero-shot Motion Transfer

Please visit our project page for more details.


📢 Nov. 27, 2024: Variation to baseline training code is now available. See the Model Training paragraph.

📢 Nov. 21, 2024: TMB benchmark is now available, together with the evaluation code. If you already have an installed environment, run bash prepare/; bash prepare/ It is recommended to recreate the conda environment as well.

📢 July 27, 2024: First release - motion transfer of generated or inverted motions, using a pretrained model.


Create Environment

This code has been tested in the following environment:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • Python 3.8
  • conda3 or miniconda3
  • CUDA capable GPU (one is enough)

Setup conda env:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate MoMo

Download dependencies:

bash prepare/
bash prepare/

Get Data

Data should be located in the ./dataset folder.

We use the HumanML3D dataset. If you are only doing inference, a lightweight version is sufficient. The lightweight version saves disk space and is quicker to get.

Lightweight Version

Clone HumanML3D, then link the data folder to our repository:

cd ..
git clone
unzip ./HumanML3D/HumanML3D/ -d ./HumanML3D/HumanML3D
ln -s ../../HumanML3D/HumanML3D dataset/HumanML3D  # adjust "../../" if needed

Full Version

Follow the instructions in HumanML3D, then link the result folder to our repository:

ln -s ../../HumanML3D/HumanML3D dataset/HumanML3D  # adjust "../../" if needed

Motion Transfer

Download a pretrained model

Download the pretrained model using the script below. The model will be saved in the ./save/ directory.

bash prepare/

Apply motion transfer

To generate motions using a pretrained model use the following command:

python -m sample.transfer --model_path ./save/official_model/ \
       --text_leader "a person is walking" \
       --text_follower "a person walks with hands high above his head"  \
                       "a person stands, then walks like a gorilla" \
       --num_repetitions 1 --assign_root_rot 

If you want to use real motions via inversion, make sure you have the full version of the dataset and use the following arguments:

--leader_motion_path dataset/HumanML3D/new_joint_vecs/006473.npy \
--follower_motion_path dataset/HumanML3D/new_joint_vecs/013122.npy    

Argument values are given as examples.


  • --text_leader: the text controlling the generation of the leader motion.
  • --text_follower: the text controlling the generation of the follower motions (one or more). The number of generated follower motions will match the number of given text controls.
  • --leader_motion_path: a path to a motion to be used as a leader. Overrides --text_leader if both are given.
  • --leader_motion_path: paths to a motions to be used as followers (one or more). Overrides --text_follower if both are given.
  • --num_repetitions: the number of instances of leader+followers to be generated. For each instance, a separte transfer is applied.

The rest of the arguments, and many others, can be found in utils/

Additional useful arguments:

  • --guidance_param: classifier-free guidance scale
  • --seed: a seed for random generation (relevant to generation mode only).
  • --device: an index of a specific GPU to be used.
  • --motion_length: motion length in seconds. Network has trained on up to 9.8 seconds.

Result files:

The following result files are saved in a new folder whose name is given by the --output_dir argument. If no such argument is given, the default output folder is created at the same folder as the input model. Its name starts with "transfer_", followed by a combination of the model iteration number, seed, and motions' texts.

  • results.npy file with xyz positions of the generated animation
  • transfer_samples_00_to_##.mp4 - stick figure animations of all leader and output motions. The leftmost motion is the leader, followed by the output transferred results on its right. Each row represents a different repetition.
  • follower_samples_00_to_##.mp4 - stick figure animations of all follower motions. Each row represents a different repetition.

Example of file transfer_samples_00_to_##.mp4:


Example of file follower_samples_00_to_##.mp4:


TMB Benchmark

The TMB benchmark is defined by the ./benchmark/assets/mtb.json file.

It is compound of pairs of motion indices. In each pair, the first index relates to the leader motion and the second relates to the follower. Each index corresponds to a motion index in the HumanML3D dataset.

Our evaluation code uses shows how to use the TMB benchmark. The usage of our evauation code is described in the next section.


To evaluate the motion transfer framework, make sure you have the full version of the HumanML3D dataset and use the following command:

python -m eval.eval_transfer --model_path ./save/official_model/ \
       --benchmark_path ./benchmark/assets/mtb.json \
       --eval_mode <mode> --assign_root_rot 


  • --mode: is either gen for generation according to benchmark text or inversion for using the dataset motions. If you are using inversion, we recommend adding the argument --transfer_layers_start 0 --seed 16 in order to attain a better FID score.

Additional useful arguments:

  • --render: render output motions (1st batch only)
  • --save: save output motions (1st batch only)
  • --guidance_param: classifier-free guidance scale
  • --seed: a seed for random generation (relevant to generation mode only).
  • --device: an index of a specific GPU to be used.

Many other arguments can be found in utils/

Result files:

  • eval_tranfer_*.log: This file is created in the same folder as the input model. Its name is combined of the prefix eval_transfer_ with the iteration number, seed, CFG scale and evaluation mode.
  • All the result files described for the motion transfer framework. The creation of such files takes time, hence you need to explicitely ask for them, using the --render or the --save arguments.

MDM Compatible Functionalities

The following MDM functionalities can be used as in the MDM repository.

Motion Synthesis

Follow these instructions under the Text to Motion detail. For example:

python -m sample.generate --model_path ./save/official_model/ --num_repetitions 3 --text_prompt "a person is dancing wildly" --motion_length 8

Model Training

Follow these instructions under the Text to Motion detail. The pretrained model given here was produced using the following command:

python -m train.train_mdm --save_dir ./save/<experiment-path> \
       --diffusion_steps 100 --batch_size 32 --arch trans_dec \
       --text_encoder_type bert --emb_trans_dec cls_tcond_cross_cond \
       --layers 12

Changed arguments (compared to the ones in MDM):

  • --emb_trans_dec: where and which controls to embed. This argument is of the form cls_<arg-cls>_cross_<arg-cross>, where <arg-cls> stands for the values to be embedded as an additonal temporal token (used during self attention), and <arg-cross> stands for the values to be embedded for cross attention. <arg-cls> and <arg-cross> can get the values t, tcond, cond, and none. t stands for the diffusion step, cond stands for the text condition, and none stands for no control, i.e., no temporal token or no cross-attention. tcond stands for summing the embedding of the diffusion step and the textual control. For example, the original MDM paper uses a transformer encoder, which matches the argument cls_tcond_cross_none.
  • --ml_platform_type replaces --train_platform_type. It supports WandB now (argument is WandBPlatform).


Official code for the paper "Monkey See, Monkey Do: Harnessing Self-attention in Motion Diffusion for Zero-shot Motion Transfer"






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