This repository contains the source code of all presences that are available in PreMiD Store.
If you would like to publish your presence, please feel free to open a pull request.
Currently, if you want to create a presence you must have beta access to new PreMiD versions that have support for PreMiD Store, you can get beta access by boosting our Discord server or donating. Be sure to join our Discord server to have latest news about PreMiD's development process.
- Have latest LTS Node version installed on your PC.
- Have TypeScript Compiler installed.
- Basic knowlege of JavaScript or TypeScript.
We made a documentation to make your development process a little bit better and faster.
You can see it here.
└─ /(presence)
└─ /dist (contains code that will be used in store, must have `metadata.json` and `presence.js` in it.)