Samples for Seata. This project contains several sub-projects, each of which is an example of integration with other projects.
- Seata - The Seata core project
- [springcloud-seata-sharding-jdbc-mybatis-plus-samples](https://github. com/wilbur-ltf/seata-samples/tree/master/springcloud-seata-sharding-jdbc-mybatis-plus-samples)Easy to understand, high availability,Integration example of Spring Cloud,Seata,ShardingJdbc,MyBatisPlus.
- spring-cloud-alibaba-samples - Spring Cloud Alibaba + Nacos + Dubbo + OpenFeign + Sentinel + Seata
- dubbo - Integration example of Seata and Apache Dubbo
- springboot - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot
- nacos - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and Alibaba Nacos
- springboot-dubbo-seata - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and Spring Boot
- nutzboot-dubbo-seata - Integration example of Seata、 Apache Dubbo and NutzBoot
- springcloud-jpa-seata - Integration example of Seata and Spring Cloud and JPA
- spring-boot-multiple-datasource - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot with multiple datasource and MyBatis
- springboot-mybatis - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot and Mybatis
- api - Non-Spring environment uses api to build Seata distributed transactions
- spring-boot-multiple-datasource-mybatis-plus - Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot with multiple datasource and MyBatisPlus
- springcloud-nacos-seata - Integration example of Seata and Spring Cloud and Alibaba Nacos
- saga - Saga mode distributed transaction demo projects
- dubbo-multiple-datasource-mybatis-plus Integration example of Seata and Spring Boot Apache Dubbo with dynamic multiple datasource and MyBatisPlus and Alibaba Nacos