Laith AL-Saqqa
Mohammad Rimawi
Mohammad Ibrahim Abu-Amara
During the Covid-19 pandemic, people were in dire need to connect with each other in order to get their normal tasks done, from attending lectures and meetings to getting group projects done. The connections were weak. For example, in universities the connections between the teacher and the students were almost non existing, due to the limited lecture time, students’ lack of responsibility, and the scarcity of connection equipment (microphones to say the least). Another example is the connection between students themselves, some students didn’t like the way other students connect to get things done (document sharing, assignments, etc). So the main problem was that the connections were weak between people, the number of chat groups were huge, no form of management between people whatsoever. And this problem was even before covid-19 rolled in.
A service that connects people where they have the same interests in a general generic abstract way and offers more services to get things done easier, faster, and better. Connecting people will be done using groups ( Squad ), the groups themselves will be fully customizable, no admins ( leader ), anonymous users ( fish ), normal groups, super groups, chatting ( biolum ), Q&As ( light ) , and so much more. As well as easy, reliable, and fast document sharing between users ( Squids ); from simple text documents ( Ink ) to large videos, not forgetting the huge collection of documents,pins ( tentacles ) to mark what is important to you. Organizing tasks ( co-Squids ), events, and reminders is essential to getting things done in time and efficiency.
All of this will be backed with Machine Learning to recommend ( metis ) groups you could relate to, documents you may like, tasks scheduling, and more.Along with Analysis to see all kinds of insights.
Unlike Social Media sites that connect people for socializing, Job sites that connect people for jobs opportunities, file storage sites that connect people with the same docs and stuff, chatting sites that connect people for chatting and communicating. Squad checks the whole list!