This page documents the EDR specific commands endpoints can run. In addition to all the commands documented
below, any other binary present on the endpoint can be executed, whether by absolute path or without if
the binary is present in PATH environment variable. To understand how to send commands to endpoints and
how to receive results, please take a look at the OpenAPI documentation.
IMPORTANT: paths in command examples may contain escape sequences (Windows paths for instances).
When such path is used inside JSON, escape characters needs to be escaped twice (to be JSON valid).
For instance if one wants to execute tasklist
command from an absolute path the command would have to
be encoded as such C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\tasklist.exe
- contain
- uncontain
- osquery
- sysmon
- terminate
- hash
- rexhash
- stat
- ls
- walk
- find
- report
- processes
- modules
- drivers
Description: Isolate host at network level
Help: contain
Description: Uncontain host (i.e. remove network isolation)
Help: uncontain
Description: Alias to osqueryi --json -A
Help: osquery OSQUERY_TABLE
Example: osquery processes
Description: Alias to the sysmon binary deployed by the EDR. See sysmon binary command line switches for all available options.
Help: sysmon [OPTIONS]
Example: sysmon -h
Description: Terminate a process given its PID
Help: terminate PID
Example: terminate 1337
Description: Hash a file
Help: hash FILE
Example: hash C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe
Description: Recursively find files matching pattern and hashes them
Example: rexhash C:\\Windows\\System32 cmd\\.exe
Description: Stat a file or a directory
Example: stat C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe
Description: List a directory
Example: ls C:\\Windows\\
Description: Recursively list a directory
Help: walk DIRECTORY
Example: walk C:\\Windows\\System32
Description: Recursively find a pattern in filename
Example: find C:\\Windows\\System32 cmd.*\.exe
Description: Generate a full IR ready report
Help: report
Description: Retrieve the full list of processes running (monitored from Sysmon logs)
Help: processes
Description: Retrieve the full list of modules ever loaded since boot (monitored from Sysmon logs)
Help: modules
Description: Retrieve the full list of drivers ever loaded since boot (monitored from Sysmon logs)
Help: drivers