A Kong plugin to allow access to a gRPC service via HTTP REST requests and translate requests and responses in a JSON format. Similar to gRPC-gateway.
This plugin translates requests and responses between gRPC and HTTP REST.
This plugin is intended to be used in a Kong route between a gRPC service and an HTTP endpoint.
Sample configuration via declarative (YAML):
_format_version: "1.1"
- protocol: grpc
host: localhost
port: 9000
- protocols:
- http
- /
- name: grpc-gateway
proto: path/to/hello.proto
Same thing via the administation API:
$ # add the gRPC service
$ curl -XPOST localhost:8001/services \
--data name=grpc \
--data protocol=grpc \
--data host=localhost \
--data port=9000
$ # add an http route
$ curl -XPOST localhost:8001/services/grpc/routes \
--data protocols=http \
--data name=web-service \
--data paths[]=/
$ # add the plugin to the route
$ curl -XPOST localhost:8001/routes/web-service/plugins \
--data name=grpc-gateway
The proto file must contain the HTTP REST to gRPC mapping rule.
In the example we use the following mapping (note the option (google.api.http) = {}
syntax = "proto2";
package hello;
service HelloService {
rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/messages/{name}"
additional_bindings {
get: "/v1/messages/legacy/{name=**}"
post: "/v1/messages/"
body: "*"
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
In this example, we can send following requests to Kong that translates to corresponding gRPC requests:
# grpc-go/examples/features/reflection/server $ go run main.go &
curl -XGET localhost:8000/v1/messages/Kong2.0
{"message":"Hello Kong2.0"}
curl -XGET localhost:8000/v1/messages/legacy/Kong2.0
{"message":"Hello Kong2.0"}
curl -XGET localhost:8000/v1/messages/legacy/Kong2.0/more/paths
{"message":"Hello Kong2.0\/more\/paths"}
curl -XPOST localhost:8000/v1/messages/Kong2.0 -d '{"name":"kong2.0"}'
{"message":"Hello kong2.0"}
All syntax defined in Path template syntax is supported.
Currently only unary requests are supported, streaming requests are not supported.
The gRPC-gateway plugin depends on lua-protobuf, lua-cjson and lua-pack