MetaNetVar is a pipeline for applying network analysis tools for genomic variants analysis
This pipeline was developed by: Vijayaraj Nagarajan PhD, Vojtech Huser MD PhD, Eric Moyer MS, Felix Francis MS, Oscar Rodriguez, Matthew Lesko, Megan Hagenauer PhD, Ben Busby PhD.
A fully working and tested version of MetaNetVar with all components installed and dependencies resolved/patched is available as a public Amazon Machine Image : ami-4510312f . Name: NCBI-Hackathon-20160122-Network-SNPs.
#Introduction This pipeline allows users to access multiple tools for applying network analysis to human genomic datasets using one simple command-line based program. The pipeline is designed to take different user input formats like a list of genes, single-nucleutide polymorphisms, or variant loci, either alone or accompanied by p-values derived from a case-control comparison or quantitative trait loci analysis. This pilot version has been tested on case-control GWAS data obtained from NCBI's dbGaP. Potential associations among the variants (nodes) from the users input are derived by the included programs, using reference databases of molecular interactions (protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions, metabolic interactions, etc.).
MetNetVar uses a set of converters to generate the input files (from one single user specified association file) for all the included programs, passes them to those programs and collects the output from them.
#Dependencies This program depends on a large number of pre-existings software packages. Therefore, to simplify the process, we offer the snapshot of our working instance as an Amazon Machine Image. The collection of tools and the pipeline script can be executed by creating an instance of the pre-configured, freely available amazon machine image AMI # ami-4510312f.
##Computing Environment & Speed: The base operating system was configured in AWS using Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Tahr”, 64-bit Linux as the operating system. “Instance type” (server size) was a m4.10xlarge with 160GB RAM and 40 virtual CPUs. Using this computing environment, a test-run using a PLINK association file containing p-values for ~320,000 SNPs required most of a day to be processed by the most computationally-intensive parts of our pipeline.
##Installed software: We have listed the versions used for our test run, but later versions are likely to also function in our pipeline.
sudo apt-get install gfortran
(Anyone know what we used?)
###Linux/Unix tools:
####Built in: sed, awk, grep
####Variant Annotation Tool: VAT (snpMapper, indelMapper Module) 2.0.1
tar -xvzf vegas-0.8.27-hapmapCEU.tar.gz
###Perl: Perl version 5 and up
(Required for parallel running).
####FunSeq2: Funseq2 2.1.2 tar xvf funseq2.1.2.tar
/opt/biobuilds - Biobuilds 2015.11 using Anaconda/Conda
The primary Python packages required (and their dependencies) were installed using: python hotnet2/ build_src build_ext --inplace
Python Package Version
abstract-rendering 0.5.1
alabaster 0.7.6
anaconda-client 1.2.1
argcomplete 1.0.0
astropy 1.0.6
Babel 2.1.1
backports-abc 0.4
beautifulsoup4 4.4.1
bitarray 0.8.1
blaze 0.8.3
bokeh 0.10.0
boto 2.38.0
Bottleneck 1.0.0
cdecimal 2.3
cffi 1.2.1
clyent 1.2.0
colorama 0.3.3
conda 3.18.8
conda-build 1.18.2
conda-env 2.4.5
configobj 5.0.6
cruzdb 0.5.6
cryptography 0.9.1
cycler 0.9.0
Cython 0.23.4
cytoolz 0.7.4
datashape 0.4.7
decorator 4.0.4
docutils 0.12
dynd 9b63882
enum34 1.0.4
fastcache 1.0.2
Flask 0.10.1
funcsigs 0.4
gevent 1.0.1
gevent-websocket 0.9.3
greenlet 0.4.9
grin 1.2.1
h5py 2.5.0
idna 2
ipaddress 1.0.14
ipykernel 4.1.1
ipython 4.0.1
ipython-genutils 0.1.0
ipywidgets 4.1.0
itsdangerous 0.24
jdcal 1
jedi 0.9.0
Jinja2 2.8
jsonschema 2.4.0
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 4.1.1
jupyter-console 4.0.3
jupyter-core 4.0.6
llvmlite 0.8.0
lxml 3.4.4
MarkupSafe 0.23
matplotlib 1.5.0
mistune 0.7.1
multipledispatch 0.4.8
MySQL-python 1.2.5
nbconvert 4.0.0
nbformat 4.0.1
networkx 1.1
nltk 3.1
nose 1.3.7
notebook 4.0.6
numba 0.22.1
numexpr 2.4.4
numpy 1.10.1
odo 0.3.4
openpyxl 2.2.6
pandas 0.17.1 0.0.0
patsy 0.4.0
pep8 1.6.2
pexpect 3.3
pickleshare 0.5
Pillow 3.0.0
ply 3.8
psutil 3.3.0
ptyprocess 0.5
py 1.4.30
pyasn1 0.1.9
pycairo 1.10.0
pycosat 0.6.1
pycparser 2.14
pycrypto 2.6.1
pyflakes 1.0.0
Pygments 2.0.2
pyOpenSSL 0.15.1
pyparsing 2.0.3
pytest 2.8.1
python-dateutil 2.4.2
pytz 2015.7
PyYAML 3.11
pyzmq 14.7.0
qtconsole 4.1.1
redis 2.10.3
requests 2.8.1
rope 0.9.4
scikit-image 0.11.3
scikit-learn 0.17
scipy 0.16.0
simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.10.0
snowballstemmer 1.2.0
sockjs-tornado 1.0.1
Sphinx 1.3.1
sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.7
spyder 2.3.8
SQLAlchemy 1.0.9
statsmodels 0.6.1
tables 3.2.2
terminado 0.5
Theano 0.7.0
toolz 0.7.4
tornado 4.3
traitlets 4.0.0
ujson 1.33
unicodecsv 0.14.1
Werkzeug 0.11.2
wheel 0.26.0
xlrd 0.9.4
XlsxWriter 0.7.7
xlwt 1.0.0
.libPaths(): /opt/BioBuilds-2015.11/lib/R/library BioConductor base 3.0
The primary R Packages required (and their dependencies) were installed using: source("") biocLite("graph") biocLite("BiocParallel") install.packages("igraph", repos='') install.packages("corpcor", repos='') install.packages("plyr", respos='')
R Package Version
AnnotationDbi 1.32.3
Biobase 2.30.0
BiocGenerics 0.16.1
BiocInstaller 1.20.1
BiocParallel 1.4.3
bitops 1.0-6
blockmodeling 0.1.8
boot 1.3-17
caTools 1.17.1
class 7.3-14
cluster 2.0.3
codetools 0.2-14
colorspace 1.2-6
corpcor 1.6.8
crayon 1.3.1
DBI 0.3.1
dichromat 2.0-0
digest 0.6.9
dmGWAS 3.0
doParallel 1.0.10
EBSeq 1.10.0
foreach 1.4.3
foreign 0.8-66
futile.logger 1.4.1
futile.options 1.0.0
gdata 2.17.0
ggplot2 2.0.0
gplots 2.17.0
graph 1.48.0
gridBase 0.4-7
gtable 0.1.2
gtools 3.5.0
igraph 1.0.1
IRanges 2.4.6
irlba 2.0.0
iterators 1.0.8
KernSmooth 2.23-15
labeling 0.3
lambda.r 1.1.7
lattice 0.20-33
magrittr 1.5
MASS 7.3-44
Matrix 1.2-2
memoise 0.2.1
mgcv 1.8-7
munsell 0.4.2
mvtnorm 1.0-3
nlme 3.1-122
NMF 0.20.6
nnet 7.3-11
pkgmaker 0.22
plyr 1.8.3
praise 1.0.0
RColorBrewer 1.1-2
Rcpp 0.12.3
registry 0.3
reshape2 1.4.1
rngtools 1.2.4
rpart 4.1-10
RSQLite 1.0.0
S4Vectors 0.8.7
scales 0.3.0
snow 0.4-1
spatial 7.3-11
stringi 1.0-1
stringr 1.0.0
survival 2.38-3
testthat 0.11.0
xtable 1.8-0
###dmGWAS: dmGWAS (3.0):… except we actually want Matt's version from Github, right? wget R CMD INSTALL dmGWAS_3.0.tar.gz
An example invocation of the meta-analysis package can be found in
MetaNetVar is currently configured and tested to work with NCBI's dbGaP format input data (PLINK-format association file).But, MetaNetVar can also accept any of the following forms of input (if appropriate parameters are tweaked);
PLINK-formatted association file: (
# NCBI dbGaP analysis accession: pha002890
# Name: Genome Wide Association Study in Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
# Description: Genome-wide genotyping data were produced using the Illumina HumanCNV370v1_C array platform and filtered using the following criteria: 1) per sample call rate ≥ 99%, 2) SNP minor allele frequency ≥ 1%, 3) SNP call rate ≥ 95%, 4) SNP HWE p-value ≥ 1x10 -6 , 5) removing unexpected relatives, resulting in a set of 324067 autosomal SNPs across 3307 unrelated samples (2157 cases and 1150 controls).
# Method: We performed a genome-wide association study on 2157 Age-Related Macular Degeneration patients and 1150 controls. The primary statistical analyses for association were carried out using chi-square tests for allelic association. Option assoc was used in the program PLINK. To further adjust for the potential population stratification, we performed association analyses using a logistic regression with first two principal components obtained from EIGENSTRAT. Options " --covar " and " --logistic " were used in the program PLINK. Genotype counts, P-values and allelic odds ratios with 95% CI are reported. For further information see Chen et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107:7401-7406, 2010 .
# Human genome build: 37
# dbSNP build: 132
# SNP ID: Marker accession
# P-value: testing p-value
# Chr ID: chromosome
# Chr Position: chromosome position
# ss2rs: ss to rs orientation. +: same; -: opposite strand.
# rs2genome: Orientation of rs flanking sequence to reference genome. +: same orientation, -: opposite.
# Allele1: genomic allele 1
# Allele2: genomic allele 2
# pHWE (case): p-value from HWE testing in cases
# pHWE (control): p-value from HWE testing in controls
# Call rate (case): Call rate for cases
# Call rate (control): Call rate for controls
# CI low: the lower limit of 95% confidence interval
# CI high: the higher limit of 95% confidence interval
SNP ID P-value Chr ID Chr Position Submitted SNP ID ss2rs rs2genome Allele1 Allele2 pHWE (case) pHWE (control) Call rate (case) Call rate (control) Odds ratio CI low CI high
rs6753288 0.8531 2 128169898 ss122610328 + + A G 0.187 0.2064 0.999072786277237 1 1.01 0.9114 1.119
rs2069916 0.3409 2 128178414 ss121907566 + + C T 0.4805 0.1822 1 1 0.9498 0.8542 1.056
rs1568277 0.6219 2 128190054 ss121757155 + + T C 0.7399 0.196 1 1 1.037 0.8979 1.197
rs6754999 0.5926 2 128195386 ss122610674 + + G A 0.9627 0.1115 0.999536393138618 1 0.9713 0.8731 1.081
rs12994586 0.7279 2 128218363 ss121614165 + + C T 0.1031 0.8797 0.999536393138618 1 1.029 0.8765 1.208
rs7590705 0.001365 2 128225227 ss122786983 + + G A 0.1431 1 1 1 1.184 1.068 1.312
rs334160 0.06624 2 128243334 ss123087097 + + C T 0.6101 0.5117 1 0.999130434782609 1.136 0.9915 1.302
rs2288655 0.196 2 128246983 ss121987517 + + G A 0.5284 0.02692 0.999536393138618 1 1.099 0.9525 1.268
##Bed Formatted association file: A tab-delimited text file with 5 required fields: chrom chromStart chromEnd Reference.allele Alterative.allele [optional]
chrom - The name of the chromosome (e.g. chr3, chrY).
chromStart - The starting position of the feature in the chromosome. The first base in a chromosome is numbered 0.
chromEnd - The ending position of the feature in the chromosome. The chromEnd base is not included in the display of the feature. For example, the first 100 bases of a chromosome are defined as chromStart=0, chromEnd=100, and span the bases numbered 0-99.
Reference.allele - The reference allele of SNVs
Alternative.allele - The alternative allele of SNVs.
chr1 213941196 213941197 G T PR2832 chr1 213942363 213942364 A C PR2832 chr1 213943530 213943531 T A PR1783
##Tab-delimited SNP association p-value .txt file: SNP ID P-value rs6753288 0.8531 rs2069916 0.3409 rs1568277 0.6219 rs6754999 0.5926 rs12994586 0.7279 rs7590705 0.001365 rs334160 0.06624 rs2288655 0.196
VEGAS output providing aggregate association p-values for each gene: (
This is a plain-text file with the columns: Chromosome, Gene, Number of SNPs, Number of simulations, Start position, Stop position, Gene-based test statistic, P-value.
##Tab-delimited gene & aggregate association p-value .txt file: Gene Pvalue GPR1 0.09762 CD3EAP 0.148 DNASE1 0.18 COL18A1 0.222 TIE1 0.255 BMP4 0.282 SPINK1 0.399 PSG11 0.462
##Tab-delimited .txt file denoting genetic location and gene symbol: 4 columns of data, no header: chromosome, start position, end position, gene name (official gene symbol)
##A simple line-separated list of gene symbols (length>5): GPR1 TNFRSF1A CD3EAP DNASE1 COL18A1 TIE1 BMP4 SPINK1 PSG11
##Funseq2 Citation for FunSeq2: [PMID: 24092746,]
###Candidates.Summary As described by Funseq2: "A candidate variants file, including coding (nonsynonymous and premature stop) variants, noncoding variants (score >=1.5), and variants associated with cancer genes" Example:
###Error.log A description of any errors that may have occurred while running Funseq2.
###Output.vcf A detailed output file. Example:
###Recur.Summary As described by Funseq2: "A summary file for recurrent analysis if multiple-sample data are uploaded"
##Hotnet2 Citation for HotNet2: [PMID: 21385051,]
###Delta_0.1 There will be one subdirectory for each delta used. At the moment delta=0.1 is hard-coded in the meta-script calling Hotnet2.
####components.txt As described by HotNet2: Components.txt "lists subnetworks identified as significantly altered, one per line. Genes within each subnetwork are separated by tabs."
components.txt (
####significance.txt As described by HotNet2: "For k from 2 - 10," significance.txt "lists the number of subnetworks of size >= k found in the real data, the expected number of subnetworks of size >= k based on permuted data, and the p-value for the observed number of subnetworks."
####results.json As described by HotNet2: "Contains all of the above information plus the parameters used for the run in JSON format to faciliate further automated processing"
results.json (
##NetworkX Citation for NetworkX: [] Output of our home-grown package that needs a better name
###Running Networkx Scripts lives in scripts. The first step is to run:
./scripts/ <output file from dbvartofunseq.php> <gene coordinates and names> <output file>
"gene coordinates and names" is a file with 4 columns chr,start,end,gene name. An example file is from data/refSeq.genes
The second step is to run:
python ./scripts/ --input <output file from> --network <file path to network> --out <output directory>
"file path to network" is a file to the network. The format for the input network is:
###Output file 3-column file with gene names, degrees and betweenness of genes.
# From this output, it would be smart to focus on CD3EAP since it
# has the highest centrality and degree measurement
# Example:
gene degrees btw_centrality
CD3EAP 500 0.377719224858
TMC1 30 0.000297257109932
LRP8 30 0.000768086055561
SLC30A6 26 0.000223232830101
ZNF234 22 0.000146138740468
MYBBP1A 20 0.000310454619974
HHIPL2 41 0.000495219919278
CYP2B6 41 0.000465664109724
CLDN20 17 5.61032381821e-05
###Output folders: ####pngs/
This folder has a figure for each input gene and its neighbor genes.
This folder has the xml format of the subnetworks in the pngs folder.
##dmGWAS: Citation for dmGWAS_3.0: [PMID: 21045073,]
This tab-delimited file provides the Normalized Module Score for each gene included in the network (Zn, larger = more enriched for significant case-control associations), and the original gene-level summary case-control association p-value. It is ordered by percentile rank.
Gene Zn_NormalizedModuleScore Percentile Rank OriginalAssociationPvalue
1 GPR1 18.90248159 6.46E-05 0.09762
2 TNFRSF1A 18.84423858 0.000161614 0.148
3 CD3EAP 18.84423858 0.000161614 0.148
4 DNASE1 18.81404777 0.000258582 0.18
5 COL18A1 18.7791487 0.000323227 0.222
This tab-delimited file provides similar information as ModuleStrengthSummaryByGene.txt, but expands the output to include the list of genes (nodes) present in each gene's subnetwork. Only output for the top 1000 genes is provided (as determined by percentile rank).
"Gene" "Zn_NormalizedModuleScore" "Percentile Rank" "OriginalAssociationPvalue" "SubgraphGeneSets"
"GPR1" 18.9024815902315 6.46454198720021e-05 0.09762 "CFH, CFHR2, PLEKHA1, CFHR3, CFHR4, CFHR5, CRB1, BTBD16, F13B, KCNT2, HTRA1, C2, GPR1, SKIV2L, EHMT2, CFB, PRRT1, CFHR1"
"TNFRSF1A" 18.8442385760159 0.000161613549680005 0.148 "CFH, TNFRSF1A, CFHR2, PLEKHA1, CFHR3, CFHR4, CFHR5, CASP6, F13B, KCNT2, HTRA1, C2, FKBPL, SKIV2L, EHMT2, CFB, PRRT1, CFHR1"
"CD3EAP" 18.8442385760159 0.000161613549680005 0.148 "CFH, ASPM, CFHR2, CFHR3, CD3EAP, CFHR4, CFHR5, CRB1, BTBD16, F13B, KCNT2, HTRA1, C2, TNXB, ZBTB41, CFB, ZBTB12, CFHR1"
"DNASE1" 18.8140477736006 0.000258581679488008 0.18 "CFH, CFHR2, CFHR3, CFHR4, CFHR5, CRB1, BTBD16, F13B, KCNT2, HTRA1, C2, TNXB, FKBPL, SKIV2L, EHMT2, CFB, DNASE1, CFHR1"
"COL18A1" 18.7791487006205 0.00032322709936001 0.222 "CFH, CFHR2, PLEKHA1, CFHR3, CFHR4, CFHR5, CRB1, F13B, KCNT2, HTRA1, C2, TNXB, COL18A1, SKIV2L, EHMT2, CFB, PRRT1, CFHR1"
#Running the pipeline
See the file:
##ClinVar_part folder This folder includes R code that extracts data that can be used as possible input list of SNPs to test drive the developed tool. See Readme.MD file in that filde for more info.
##presentation made on day 2 of hackathon (with additional changes on day 3)