An Icinga check plugin to check Logstash.
check_logstash [flags]
check_logstash [command]
Available Commands:
health Checks the health of the Logstash server
pipeline Checks the status of the Logstash Pipelines
-H, --hostname string Hostname of the Logstash server (CHECK_LOGSTASH_HOSTNAME) (default "localhost")
-p, --port int Port of the Logstash server (default 9600)
-s, --secure Use a HTTPS connection
-i, --insecure Skip the verification of the server's TLS certificate
-b, --bearer string Specify the Bearer Token for server authentication (CHECK_LOGSTASH_BEARER)
-u, --user string Specify the user name and password for server authentication <user:password> (CHECK_LOGSTASH_BASICAUTH)
--ca-file string Specify the CA File for TLS authentication (CHECK_LOGSTASH_CA_FILE)
--cert-file string Specify the Certificate File for TLS authentication (CHECK_LOGSTASH_CERT_FILE)
--key-file string Specify the Key File for TLS authentication (CHECK_LOGSTASH_KEY_FILE)
-t, --timeout int Timeout in seconds for the CheckPlugin (default 30)
-h, --help help for check_logstash
-v, --version version for check_logstash
The check plugin respects the environment variables HTTP_PROXY
Various flags can be set with environment variables, refer to the help to see which flags.
Checks the health status of the Logstash server.
check_logstash health [flags]
$ check_logstash health --hostname 'localhost' --port 8888 --insecure
[OK] - Logstash is healthy | process.cpu.percent=0;0.5;3;0;100
\_[OK] Heap usage at 12.00%
\_[OK] Open file descriptors at 12.00%
\_[OK] CPU usage at 5.00%
$ check_logstash -p 9600 health --cpu-usage-threshold-warn 50 --cpu-usage-threshold-crit 75
[WARNING] - CPU usage at 55.00%
\_[OK] Heap usage at 12.00%
\_[OK] Open file descriptors at 12.00%
\_[WARNING] CPU usage at 55.00%
--file-descriptor-threshold-warn string The percentage relative to the process file descriptor limit on which to be a warning result (default "100")
--file-descriptor-threshold-crit string The percentage relative to the process file descriptor limit on which to be a critical result (default "100")
--heap-usage-threshold-warn string The percentage relative to the heap size limit on which to be a warning result (default "70")
--heap-usage-threshold-crit string The percentage relative to the heap size limit on which to be a critical result (default "80")
--cpu-usage-threshold-warn string The percentage of CPU usage on which to be a warning result (default "100")
--cpu-usage-threshold-crit string The percentage of CPU usage on which to be a critical result (default "100")
-h, --help help for health
Determines the health of Logstash pipelines via "inflight events". These events are calculated as such: inflight events = events.In - events.Out
Hint: Use the queue backpressure for Logstash 8.
check_logstash pipeline [flags]
$ check_logstash pipeline --inflight-events-warn 5 --inflight-events-crit 10
[WARNING] - Inflight events
\_[WARNING] inflight_events_example-input:9;
\_[OK] inflight_events_example-default-connector:4
$ check_logstash pipeline --inflight-events-warn 5 --inflight-events-crit 10 --pipeline example
[CRITICAL] - Inflight events
\_[CRITICAL] inflight_events_example:15
-P, --pipeline string Pipeline Name (default "/")
--inflight-events-warn string Warning threshold for inflight events to be a warning result. Use min:max for a range.
--inflight-events-crit string Critical threshold for inflight events to be a critical result. Use min:max for a range.
-h, --help help for pipeline
Checks the status of a Logstash pipeline's flow metrics (currently queue backpressure).
Hint: Requires Logstash 8.5.0
check_logstash pipeline flow [flags]
$ check_logstash pipeline flow --warning 5 --critical 10
[OK] - Flow metrics alright
\_[OK] queue_backpressure_example:0.34;
$ check_logstash pipeline flow --pipeline example --warning 5 --critical 10
[CRITICAL] - Flow metrics alright
\_[CRITICAL] queue_backpressure_example:11.23;
-c, --critical string Critical threshold for queue Backpressure
-h, --help help for flow
-P, --pipeline string Pipeline Name (default "/")
-w, --warning string Warning threshold for queue Backpressure
Checks the status of Logstash pipelines configuration reload.
check_logstash pipeline reload [flags]
$ check_logstash pipeline reload
[OK] - Configuration successfully reloaded
\_[OK] Configuration successfully reloaded for pipeline Foobar for on 2021-01-01T02:07:14Z
$ check_logstash pipeline reload --pipeline Example
[CRITICAL] - Configuration reload failed
\_[CRITICAL] Configuration reload for pipeline Example failed on 2021-01-01T02:07:14Z
-P, --pipeline string Pipeline Name (default "/")
-h, --help help for pipeline
Copyright (c) 2022 NETWAYS GmbH
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see