This project is the implementation of a test assignment for layout design. The result is available for web viewing, and the source code is provided for review.
- Cross-browser Compatibility: Support has been implemented for the latest 5 versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox on Windows and MacOS, and Safari on MacOS starting from version 14.
- Responsiveness: The layout is responsive starting from a width of 900px.
- Interactivity: React is used to implement the tab switching functionality in the settings and the dropdown menu for company selection.
- Animations: Animations and interactive states have been added for control elements.
- Semantic Markup and Accessibility: Semantic markup has been applied with a focus on element accessibility, without overdoing it.
- React
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Webpack
- ESLint + Prettier for code linting and formatting
To run the project on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository link>
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the project:
npm start
Open the project in your browser at
To build the project for production, run:
npm run build
The project is deployed and available at the following link:
The project's source code is available in this repository.
During development, the following problems were identified, which are planned to be fixed in future updates:
- Lack of adaptation for mobile devices
- Duplicate styles
- Routing to follow menu links
- Fonts
- Responsive Design
- Obtaining results from interaction with components: for example, when you click on other tabs, display loading