[p]repo add Phen-Cogs https://github.com/phenom4n4n/phen-cogs
Name | Status/Version | Description (Click to see full status) | Authors |
Aki | 1.1.0 | Play Akinator in Discord!Play Akinator in Discord! |
PhenoM4n4n |
AltDentifier | 1.2.0 | Check users with AltDentifier APICheck users with AltDentifier API |
PhenoM4n4n |
AntiHonde | 1.0.0 | Automatically ban H0nde alts.Automatically ban H0nde alts. |
PhenoM4n4n and TrustyJAID |
BanChart | 1.1.0 | Display a chart of ban moderators.Display a chart of ban moderators. |
PhenoM4n4n and Aikaterna |
Baron | 1.2.3 | Tools for managing guild joins and leaves.Tools for managing guild joins and leaves. |
PhenoM4n4n, DragDev Studios, and KableKompany |
Connect4 | 1.0.0 | Play Connect 4 in Discord!Play Connect 4 in Discord! |
Benjamin Mintz, flare, and PhenoM4n4n |
CustomPing | 1.0.0 | Creates a custom ping embed to display latency statistics.Creates a custom ping embed to display latency statistics. |
PhenoM4n4n |
DisboardReminder | 1.3.4 | Set a reminder to bump on Disboard.Set a reminder to bump on Disboard. |
PhenoM4n4n |
EmbedUtils | 1.3.0 | Create, post, and store embedsCreate, post, and store embeds. |
PhenoM4n4n |
ForceMention | 1.0.0 | Mention unmentionablesMentions roles that are unmentionable |
Bobloy and PhenoM4n4n |
LinkQuoter | 1.1.0 | Quote Discord message links.Quote Discord message links. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Lock | 1.1.4 | Lock channelsLock channels or the whole server |
PhenoM4n4n |
PermissionsLocker | 1.3.0 | Force permissions for the bot.Lock bot commands to a certain permissions set. |
PhenoM4n4n |
PfpImgen | 1.0.0 | Make images from avatars!Make images from avatars! |
PhenoM4n4n |
PhenUtils | 1.0.0 | Various developer utilities.Various developer utilities. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Plague | 1.0.6 | Infect users with the plague!Plague game with a doctor and plaguebearer. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Prefix | 1.0.2 | Manage guild prefixes.Manage guild prefixes more extensively. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Ratings | 1.0.0 | Find out how (simp/sane/smart) you are.Rate yourself on many things. |
PhenoM4n4n |
RoleUtils | 1.3.6 | Reaction roles, massroling, and role targeting!.Reaction roles, massroling, and role targeting!. |
PhenoM4n4n, Bobloy, TrustyJaid, and Neuro Assassin |
Calculator | 1.0.0 | Calculate stuffCalculate stuff |
PhenoM4n4n |
SlashTags | 0.4.3 | Create custom slash commands.Create custom slash commands. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Tags | 2.3.1 | Create and use tags.Create and use tags. |
PhenoM4n4n |
Webhook | 1.2.1 | Webhook related commands.Various webhook commands to create and send messages along webhooks. |
PhenoM4n4n |
If you encounter bugs or require support, go to #support_phen-cogs on the cog support server. For feature requests, open a PR/issue on this repo.
All Cog Creators