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This document helps developers understand how to start with Bazel and port Cargo development workflows over to Bazel. While this guide focuses on Rust development, Bazel is a polygot build system: See the “Language Specific Guides” section below.

If you know C++ or Java, the best introductory reading material might be the official guides for those languages (linked at the bottom of this page). Unfortunately, there is no Rust analog, but the main concepts are language-independent, so it might be a good idea to start with the C++ or Java guides.


We recommend a Linux machine although MacOS works for Rust development but may require some package installation.

Do NOT use nix-shell.

Do NOT use direnv.

DO NOT use apt-get.

To install Bazel follow the instructions on IDX recommends and only supports bazelisk - do not install the bazel package with native package managers such as apt get, homebrew, etc..

To build Rust and IC-OS code will require a minimal set of packages. On a Linux host the [Dockerfile]( serves as a reference for the minimal apt installation set. Developers may develop inside the build and development container with ./gitlab-ci/container/

bazel test //rs/crypto/sha2:all

Most targets should build on the host machine. However, the IC-OS image only builds inside the canonical container (ic-build-bazel:$TAG). To enter this docker container run ./gitlab-ci/container/ This container is only available in x86-64 environments.

Building Blocks

Bazel Commands

The three most common commands for developers are build, test and run.

Bazel Build

bazel build //path:target_name

Just builds the target binary, library or test; but doesn’t do anything with it. Outputs it to the bazel-bin directory at the root of the workspace.

Examples (see

bazel build //rs/crypto/sha:sha

cd rs/crypto; bazel build :sha

bazel build //rs/crypto/sha:all

bazel build //rs/crypto/...: build all rule targets in all packages beneath the directory crypto.

Bazel Test

*bazel test //path:target_name*

Builds an executable test binary [or binaries] and runs them, outputting and caching the results. Cached results will not be rerun. Bazel only caches passed test results. The flag --cache_test_results=no will make Bazel rerun cached tests.

To see log output from failed tests add --test_output=errors. To see all log output add --test_output=all. To see output of non-failing Rust tests, additionally add --test_arg=--nocapture.

To run only a specific test add --test_arg=$TEST_NAME


bazel test //rs/log_analyzer:tests

cd rs/log_analyzer; bazel test :tests

bazel test //rs/log_analyzer:all

bazel test //rs/log_analyzer/...

Bazel Run

*bazel run //path:target_name*

Builds executable binary and then executes it on the host machine.


bazel run //rs/log_analyzer:log_analyzer_bench cd rs/log_analyzer; bazel run :log_analyzer_bench -- --bench

All tests are also binaries that can be run:

bazel run //rs/registry/canister:registry_canister_canister_test -- --help

BUILD.bazel Files

BUILD.bazel files define targets and their dependencies. You can see a complete list of Rust build rules here. For Rust, the most common targets are:


Builds a rust library crate. You can build this with bazel build command described above.


Builds a rust executable. You can build this with bazel build and run it on your host machine with bazel run


Builds a Rust crate tests. You can build this with bazel build and execute the test suite with bazel test


Builds a Rust doc tests tests. You can build this with bazel build and execute the test suite with bazel test

WORKSPACE.bazel and external_crates.bzl


The workspace file defines the root of the Bazel workspace and defines which external dependencies to pull into the build.


The workspace file pulls Rust crate dependencies from bazel/external_crates.bzl . The crate dependencies live in a separate file to facilitate integration with automation.

Changes to the crate_repository require regeneration of Cargo.Bazel.*.lock with ./bin/

Below is an example of adding a new third-party crate.

  1. The main thing is adding an entry to bazel/external_crates.bzl . In this example, I used/added the egg-mode crate in bazel/external_crates.bzl
+ "egg-mode": crate.spec(
+   version = "^0.16.0",
+ ),
  1. ./bin/

  2. Don't worry about the changes to the two Cargo.Bazel.* files (in the root of the repo). Those are all generated by the repin command

Example BUILD.Bazel File


load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_doc_test", "rust_library", "rust_test")

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

    name = "sha",
    srcs = glob(["src/**"]),
    crate_name = "ic_crypto_sha",
    version = "0.8.0",
    deps = ["//rs/crypto/internal/crypto_lib/sha2"],

    name = "sha_doc_test",
    crate = ":sha",

    name = "sha224_test",
    srcs = ["tests/"],
    deps = [

    name = "sha256_test",
    srcs = ["tests/"],
    deps = [

Python tests

Python bazel targets are built very similarly and also include py_test, py_library, py_binary. Note that py_library is a python module which tests can import and test against. Test deps can either be a py_library or a requirement, see example below:

load("@python_deps//:requirements.bzl", "requirement")

    name = "my_module",
    srcs = [""],
    deps = requirement("numpy"),

    name = "test_my_module",
    srcs = ["tests/"],
    deps = [":my_module", requirement("pytest")],

Note that if a module is defined with a package dependency, then the test does not need to specify this dependency again, but can import the entire module. Similarly if packages depend on other packages, only the top-level package needs to be imported.

Some good examples for writing bazel tests can be found in scalability/BUILD.bazel.

To add python packages to the build container for use in a build or test target in bazel, follow these instructions.

Target Labels

In Bazel, target labels specify the absolute paths from the root of the workspace to the BUILD.bazel file, or the target name from the current working directory. Relative paths are not possible. Examples:

Example absolute path bazel build //rs/crypto/sha:sha

Example current working dir: cd rs/crypto/sha; bazel build :sha

Targets external to the workspace [e.g. third party crates] need to include the repository name. For exam-ple bazel build @crate_index//:openssl

See for Bazel’s nomenclature and more details.


Bazel reference

The :all target name specifies all targets in the path. For example bazel build //rs/log_analyzer:all builds all libraries, executable binaries and tests.

The ... name specifies all targets in the workspace and recurses starting from the current working directory. Note, there’s no colon. When used with bazel test, also build all targets including those not referenced by any test.


cd rs; bazel build ... builds all Rust libraries, executable binaries and tests.

cd rs; bazel test ... runs all Rust tests and builds all Rust libraries and executables.

Example Cargo to Bazel Conversion MRs

Take a look at the following example migration. It is instructive to compare and contrast the the Cargo.toml file with its associated file.

Visualize and Share

Developers may inspect and share detailed build results, timings, logs and artifacts with the buildfarm URL. Note the buildfarm URL emitted at the start and end of the build.

Flaky Tests

Bazel provides several tools to mitigate and resolve flaky tests.


Mark the test as flaky to make Bazel will retry the test up to three times.

	name = "foo_test",
  # lines omitted
	flaky = True",

Instruct rust to only run one test in parallel - this can help when multiple concurrent test cases collide but may greatly increase the runtime of the tests.

	name = "foo_test",
  # lines omitted
  args = [


The test owners are responsible for eliminating flakiness in their tests.

Bazel provides a facility to reproduce flaky tests, --runs_per_test <num> makes Bazel re-run a test multiple times and aggregate the result.

bazel test //rs/rust_canisters/memory_test:memory_test_integration_test
--runs_per_test 100

Best Practices

Minimize visibility. Just like members of a class should generally be private, you should restrict visibility (this is why private is the default visibility). The reason is that it minimizes the amount of code that can depend on you. This is a Good Thing™️, because if you later want to make an incompatible change (e.g. add a parameter to a pub fn), there will be less affected downstream code that you’ll have to update. The more people who can use an API, the harder it is to change. You will find many BUILD.bazel files that do the “wrong thing”, in that they contain the following line:

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

We have many of these (despite this best practice), because we migrated from Cargo. We didn’t hand-craft these BUILD.bazel files. Do not follow these examples in new BUILD.bazel files. If you are feeling ambitious, it would be nice if you updated this line in your BUILD.bazel files.


How do I lint (i.e. run rustfmt, and clippy)?

Add —-config=lint to your bazel command.

By default, clippy violations are just warnings, but formatting issues do not generate warnings (just like what you’re probably used to from cargo).

Alternatively, if you only want one or the other, do —-config=fmt or —-config=clippy instead (the latter maybe isn’t so useful, since you get warnings by default anyway).


bazel build --config=lint //rs/sns/swap:all

Crate contains data files

├─ Cargo.toml
├─ BUILD.bazel
├─ data/
  ├─ test.csv
├─ src/
  ├─ lib.rsrs

With cargo, tests reference data file relative to the crate root directory. However, Bazel runs all tests from the workspace root.

The following example adds a data file to the BUILD.bazel file under rust_test.

data = ["data/test.csv"],
env = {
	"CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR": "rs/bitcoin/validation",

Change how you access the file. This way we don’t break the cargo pipeline.

let rdr = Reader::from_path(

Example MR

How to recalculate Cargo.Bazel.*.lock file?

Run ./bin/ from the root of the repo to recalculate Cargo.Bazel.*.lock files (should take about a minute or three)

You may run it inside of ./gitlab-ci/container/ if you don’t have bazel commands installed locally.


bazel run //:rustfmt

Clear Local Bazel Cache

bazel clean

You might also want to consider adding —expunge.

How do I make debug vs. release builds?

Append --config=dev to your bazel command.

bazel build --config=dev :target
bazel test --config=dev :target

See .bazelrc at the root of the repo for details on other config options.

How to run a unit test in just a single file?

Use the flag --test_arg to pass the test as an argument over to the Rust test runner. e.g.

bazel test //rs/registry/canister:registry_canister_test

How to run a group of unit tests and see their output?

Use --test_output=all --test_arg=--nocapture flags, and also --test_arg=heartbeat_ to match a group of tests.

bazel test --flaky_test_attempts=1 --test_output=all --test_arg=--nocapture
//rs/execution_environment:execution_environment_test --test_arg=heartbeat_

How to find out where builds spend the most time?

Find the dashboard link. Bazel should output this immediate before and after the Bazel command line invocation. Navigate to the “TIMING” section and inspect the “Critical Path”

How to measure the test coverage?

Bazel can collect test coverage information with the coverage command.

bazel coverage --combined_report=lcov //rs/my/test:target

You need to have genhtml tool installed to see the report. The tool comes with the lcov package. You need to run genhtml in the repository root directory.

genhtml --ignore-errors source --output genhtml "$(bazel info

Open the genhtml/index.html file in a browser and navigate to the file of interest to see the coverage.

“Too many open files in system” error on MacOS

Add this line to /etc/launchd.conf:

limit maxfiles 1000000 1000000

How do I auto-format my .bazel files?

Run bazel run //:buildifier

Is there something equivalent to cargo check but for bazel?

TL;DR Run bazel build --config=check //rs/some/target

The above command will try to only build metadata files for all the rust libraries, which is almost exactly what cargo check does. As with cargo check, this is not always possible, e.g. when a library depends on a macro.

This feature is still experimental, so please report any issues you encounter with it, especially if they look something like error[E0460]: found possibly newer version of crate ....

Is is possible to deploy a static testnet bazel?

Yes! Follow this procedure: testnet/tools/

What is the official Bazel slack channel?

You can also find additional help in the Google Bazel documentation and in the Google Bazel Slack organisation [Invite link here].

Language Specific Guides



DFINITY uses Rust for systems programming. Rust offers strong safety guarantees that benefit reliable systems programming; however the tradeoffs include slower development cycles and a steeper learning curve. Therefore, for other domains such as CLI tools, infrastructure automation, and scripting other languages offer merits over Rust

  • Faster development cycles
  • Faster learning curve
  • Mature community API client library support [e.g. GitLab API client libraries]

Historically, DFINITY used Python as an infrastructure or scripting languages. The IDX team has written automation scripts and daemons in Python, and the Node team has maintained Python scripts to build the IC-OS disk image. While Python is ubiquitous and offers a fast learning curve, it notoriously “converts your compile time errors into run-time errors” which can increase software development times and cause unexpected breakages. Furthermore, while better than shell scripts, Python codebases eventually become more difficult to read, maintain and extend.

Therefore, IDX strongly recommends Golang over Python for CLIs, infrastructure tools and scripting tasks. The Bazel build infrastructure provides seamless Golang integration into the CI and build system - automation tools handles the heavy lifting to generate BUILD files and manage external dependencies.

Getting Started

This tutorial will guide you through two programs that will acquaint you with Go development in the IC repo.

  • “Hello World Basic” will only use the Go standard library
  • “Hello World Advanced” will bring in an external dependency.

Both programs will use gazelle - a tool which generates build files and manages external dependencies.

Hello World Basic

From a recent checkout of the IC repo:

**mkdir go-demo-basic
cd go-demo-basic**
**touch main.go**

# contents of main.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  fmt.Println("hello world")
# end contents of main.go
**bazel run //:gazelle**

├── BUILD.bazel
└── main.go

**bazel run //go-demo-basic:go-demo-basic 2>/dev/null**

hello world

The command bazel run //:gazelle will generates the correct BUILD.bazel file. You can then build and execute the Go binary with bazel run //demo:demo . The CI system is batteries included. IDX’s infrastructure automatically picks-up and builds these new targets on the CI merge requests pipelines.

Hello World Advanced

**mkdir go-demo-advanced
cd go-demo-advanced
touch main.go**

# contents of main.go
package main


func main() {
  myFigure := figure.NewFigure("Hello World", "", true)
# end contents of main.go
**bazel run //:gazelle**

├── BUILD.bazel
└── main.go

The new BUILD.bazel file will reference the external dependency [take a look at the contents of the build file]. However, before Bazel can build and run the new binary, Bazel needs to know how to fetch and provide that dependency and all its transitive dependencies.

**bazel run //:gobin -- get**
**bazel run //:gazelle-update-repos

git status
# the above commands modified the following files: go.mod, go.sum, go_deps.bzl**

****And now Bazel can build and run the advanced hello world binary.

**bazel run //go-demo-advanced:go-demo-advanced 2>/dev/null

  _   _          _   _            __        __                 _       _
 | | | |   ___  | | | |   ___     \ \      / /   ___    _ __  | |   __| |
 | |_| |  / _ \ | | | |  / _ \     \ \ /\ / /   / _ \  | '__| | |  / _` |
 |  _  | |  __/ | | | | | (_) |     \ V  V /   | (_) | | |    | | | (_| |
 |_| |_|  \___| |_| |_|  \___/       \_/\_/     \___/  |_|    |_|  \__,_|**

Real World Code Example

See bazel/exporter for a more advanced real world tool which requires several external dependencies and Go protobuf definitions. The Bazel exporter runs at the end of every Bazel CI job; reads Bazel build events protobufs; and exports telemetry to Honeycomb to populate data.