Just some classes helping to code with PHP in general.
This repository follows semver.
composer require "nekland/tools"
Encoding arguments are optionals.
StringTools::camelize($str, $from, $encoding) : string
string input$from
(optional, default "_") input string format (can be "-" or "_")$encoding
(optional, default "UTF-8") encoding of your input string
Say if the given string starts with needle or not.
StringTools::startsWith($str, $start) : bool
string input$start
string it should starts with
Say if the given string ends with needle or not.
StringTools::endsWith($str, $end) : bool
string input$end
string it should ends with
Removes the start of the string if it matches with the given one.
StringTools::removeStart($str, $toRemove) : string
string input$toRemove
string to remove at the start of$str
StringTools::contains($str, $needle) : bool
string input$needle
potentially contained string
Adds missing multi-byte PHP function for ucfirst
standard function.
StringTools::mb_ucfirst($str, $encoding) : string
string input$encoding
(optional, default "UTF-8") encoding of your input string
Helps you equals on objects on a similar way as java.
Method that you must implements to check if the object taking as parameter is equals or not.