Just some classes helping to code with PHP in general.
This repository follows semver.
composer require "nekland/tools"
Encoding arguments are optionals.
StringTools::camelize($str, $from, $encoding) : string
string input$from
(optional, default "_") input string format (can be "-" or "_")$encoding
(optional, default "UTF-8") encoding of your input string
Say if the given string starts with needle or not.
StringTools::startsWith($str, $start) : bool
string input$start
string it should starts with
Say if the given string ends with needle or not.
StringTools::endsWith($str, $end) : bool
string input$end
string it should ends with
Removes the start of the string if it matches with the given one.
StringTools::removeStart($str, $toRemove) : string
string input$toRemove
string to remove at the start of$str
StringTools::contains($str, $needle) : bool
string input$needle
potentially contained string
Adds missing multi-byte PHP function for ucfirst
standard function.
StringTools::mb_ucfirst($str, $encoding) : string
string input$encoding
(optional, default "UTF-8") encoding of your input string
Helps you equals on objects on a similar way as java.
Method that you must implements to check if the object taking as parameter is equals or not.
Compare two \DateTimeInterface and return the greatest If one of given \DateTimeInterface parameters is null, return is the other one \DateTimeInterface If both \DateTimeInterface parameters are null, return is null
DateTimeComparator::greatest($dateTime1, $dateTime2) : ?\DateTimeInterface
The first \DateTimeInterface or null$dateTime2
The second \DateTimeInterface or null
Compare two \DateTimeInterface and return the lowest If one of given \DateTimeInterface parameters is null, return is the other one \DateTimeInterface If both \DateTimeInterface parameters are null, return is null
DateTimeComparator::lowest($dateTime1, $dateTime2) : ?\DateTimeInterface
The first \DateTimeInterface or null$dateTime2
The second \DateTimeInterface or null