diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 159b9237..80070ded 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -200,16 +200,16 @@ $writer->setDefaultRowStyle($defaultStyle)
Unfortunately, Spout does not support all the possible formatting options yet. But you can find the most important ones:
-Category | Property | API
-Font | Bold | `StyleBuilder::setFontBold()`
- | Italic | `StyleBuilder::setFontItalic()`
- | Underline | `StyleBuilder::setFontUnderline()`
- | Strikethrough | `StyleBuilder::setFontStrikethrough()`
- | Font name | `StyleBuilder::setFontName('Arial')`
- | Font size | `StyleBuilder::setFontSize(14)`
- | Font color | `StyleBuilder::setFontColor(Color::BLUE)`
`StyleBuilder::setFontColor(Color::rgb(0, 128, 255))`
-Alignment | Wrap text | `StyleBuilder::setShouldWrapText(true|false)`
+| Category | Property | API
+| Font | Bold | `StyleBuilder::setFontBold()`
+| | Italic | `StyleBuilder::setFontItalic()`
+| | Underline | `StyleBuilder::setFontUnderline()`
+| | Strikethrough | `StyleBuilder::setFontStrikethrough()`
+| | Font name | `StyleBuilder::setFontName('Arial')`
+| | Font size | `StyleBuilder::setFontSize(14)`
+| | Font color | `StyleBuilder::setFontColor(Color::BLUE)`
`StyleBuilder::setFontColor(Color::rgb(0, 128, 255))`
+| Alignment | Wrap text | `StyleBuilder::setShouldWrapText(true|false)`
#### New sheet creation