- Marker Copy/Paste added.
- Render preset tool updated.
- Topo Symmetrize tool that keep UV data (under the EditMesh/Mesh menu)
- Camera target select search from last constraint and ignore disable ones this makes better result.
- Alingt Target to camera matchs the target to camera direction (Camera/Target/Align).
- Command panel Instancer warning issue fixed.
- Batch Rename for VSE issue fixed.
- Place for Farsi arabic type corrector.
- Multi object Connector for geometry node (select objects in viewport in node editor active node that has object input sokets and run Auto object picker).
- Farsi and Arabic typing tool (only apears in seach menu "Farsi & Arabic Corrector") (type text press OK and paste your text any where you need).
- Auto rename shifted markers to frame number (timeline marker/auto rename).
- "Delete Animation" operator shapekey bug fixed.
- Codes for older than Blender 3.6 removed.
- blender_manifest.toml file removed from github version and became a normal addon again.
- BsMax on Blender 4.2 is not shown as legesy any more.
- Render preset Save/Load update, bugfix and adapted for new EEVEE.
- Add object Validate to Cleanup tools list too and bug fixed.
- In outliner rightclick menu link collection to other scene Operator added.
- Qaudmenu Delete Animation operator improved and can clear all animation data rather than only key frames of Object itself and ignor all subchanels.
- New Delete Animation operator (View3D/Object/Animation/Delete Animation).
- All Curve edit tools Has written again (Some not complete yet).
- Curve Select by Length, Count and Close has Set, Extend and Substract mode.
- Divide plus, Refine, Breake, Make first are ready but there is some issues on Merg by distance and Boolean yet and trying fo fix.
- Kemap issues from last update fixed.
- GraphEditor select chanels auto hide unselected chanels (3DsMax Mode).
- Copy Camera animation to other softwares (Alpha version yet).
- Export Camera via Alembic do not transfer FOV animation. this tool helps to port fov and other animations to 3DsMax scene (Maya option is on the way too).
- Join plus issue with None mesh object fixed.
- Mouse Weel up/down in edit mode select more and less (3DsMax & Blender adapted).
- Bone Hierarchy selection tool error on None Armatour selected in pose mode fixed.
- Link/Append/Import added to Add menu for speed up work flow (Shift+A).
- Cylinder pirimitive issue with bevel modifier when slice is on fixed.
- Code cleaning and some other minor bug fixed.
- Backburner submiter has some updates
- custom Repository directory option.
- Incremental number to repository file rather than random number.
- Use jobname as repository file name optional.
- Automaticaly add scene and viewlayer name to jobname if was more then one.
- Geometry data clean stuff add that work on multiple object rather then only active object.(View3D/Object/Clean Up/ ...)
- "Freeze on" repeat calculation issue fixed. (Tools/Animation/...)
- Create Primitive naming issue fixed.
- Smart loop bug fixed.
- Batch rename issue fixed.
- Instancer bug fixed.
- Align Object issues from last update fixed.
- Mesh to hair guid pre setup operator added
- Some update for Blender 4.2 compatibliti.
- Menu and Operator search keymaps swaped. (X for menu, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X for Operator)
- A global Bound box calculator Created (for now only Align object use it).
- Align Object updated and detects more object bound rather than only Mesh and Curve (develop continue till support all types).
- "Image Crop" node group added to shader editor that lets tiling only cropped part of the image watch Here.
- Armature auto bone alignment tool (Tools/Rig/Auto Bone Alignment).
- Code cleaning and some bug fixed.
- Primitive issue with new change of blender 4.1 mostly fixed.
- Link to operator has new option to keep hierarchy (Option appears only if selection has hierarchy).
- In 3DsMax key maps in Blender 4.1+ additional key removed and uses Blender default "K" in 3D view and pose mode.
- And many code Cleaneng.
- Some new tools added under Command Panel modifier list.
- Make unique tool optimized (View3D/Object/Relation/Make unigue).
- Basic Auto EXR connector added but need to more work on it
- Command Panel Modifier list updated.
- Some more compatibility with Blender 4.1Beta
- Render preset save load clened up, need some more correction yet.
- Command panel Display tab updated.
- Command panel Edit Curve partly added.
- Keymapbug from last update fixed.
- 3DsMax Commandpanel EditPoly/Mesh panel updated alot (CP/Modifier Tab/Edit mode).
- Edit Curve and Edit modifer panel are the next.
- Create primitive updated to work with Blender 4.1 too.
- 3DsMax Command panel Create stuff updated.
- Primitives can be edit under "comand panel/modifiers" similar to 3DsMax.
- Light lister issue for Blender 4.0 Fixed.
- Maya Key map has some clenup and update.
- Command panel create issue fixed.
- Crowds geometry node presets add to preset menu (add menu on geo node editor)
- Crowds walking on a path.
- Crowds in studiom.
- Crowds taking or working groups.
- Animals inside a fance.
- Note: Crowds works on Blender 4.0 and above.
- 3DsMax comand panel has some improvment but still many works has to do.
- Geomeetry node Modifiers now can be add from blendeere 3.6 too.
- 3DsMax Comand panel now active from prefrenses not experimental.
- More modifiers added to 3DsMax Comand panel modifier list.
- Comand Panel modifier list add to all selected objects.
- Some Crowd Tools added to view3D tool panel (More and tutorial coming soon).
- Convert Primitive to GeoNode become optinal and off by default.
Many items added to 3Ds Max Side panel and so many to still need to working on.
- Some Modifiers can be add from 3Ds Max side panel.
- GeoNode modifiers appear only on Blender 4.0 and above.
- 3DsMax command panel is under Construction.
- Draw Box error for Blender 3.6 and lower is fixed.
- Box primitive convert to Geometrynode after Draw. (Experimental if ok will apply to all other primitives too).
- Draw primitive issue for blender 4.1 Alpha fixed.
- Some other bug fixed.
- Align objects and Target weld preview line is back for Blender 4.0.
- Draw Primitives Local preview gride is back for Blender 4.0.
- Draw Primitives Abort issue in Blender 4.0 Fixed.
- Backburner submiter optimized, Same functionality with less registerd operators.
- Reset operator open new empty scene with one click. (File/Reset)
- Note: You still able to add and delete defult cube from New. (File/New/General)
- Join plus rename UVs chanels if chanels count is same in surce and target objects. (Optinal)
- Quadmenu Convert to issues fixed. (3DsMax mode)
- After effect exporter is part of BsMax now (Original authors Bartek Skorupa & Damien Picard)
- Backburner timeout limit issue fixed.
- Backburner submiter shows numbeer of frames are going to render, helps to avoid submit thousands of frame by mistake.
- Unfinished stuff put on experimental mode and hide by default.
- Some bug fix and code cleaning done.
- Working on a new selection set for armature.
- Select Children/Parent work on selected armature rather than only active one.
- Paste Pose works on selected armature rather than only active one (if all bone selected).
- Armature Selection set hold shift for add selection, hold alt for remove from selection.
- Some more future for selection I'm working on and will update soon.
- Stuff and codes for older then Blender 3.3 droped.
- Daz3d to Blender armature auto renamer tool.
- Some code cleaning.
- Blender 3.6 and later Parent coordinate added to quadmenu (Alt+RMB 3DsMax Mode).
- Red timeline at starup issue fixed.
- Issue with Enable/Disable addon in Blender 3.6 fixed.
- Theme changes (Camera, Empty, Light) color reset on addon disable or remove.
- Just some bug fixed and new stuff that not completed yet.
- Set pivot to bottom center tool replaced with Set Pivot to Base with more option.
- BsMax works on Blender 4.0 Alpha too.
- Multyshapekey Tool has aditive mode if use '+' rather than '_' (need a better sorting yet).
- e.g. key+25, key+50, ... ,key+100.
- Autokey Red bar issue with difrent themes fixed.
- More maxscript fixes still not completed yet.
- Theme change can be disable from addon prefrence option.
- Multi Target ShapeKey tool can be inistaled as stand alone addon (requested).
- Maxscript pack inistalation issue and many of bugs fixed (need to work on it yet).
- Character to ABC maxscript tool added.
- Auto Facial GUI maxscript added (need to update and bugfix yet).
- Maxscript Pack updated Some of the tools I wrote in 2 decade working with 3DsMax collected in Bsmax/Maxscript folder I`ll add all other tools too. The reason I put maxscript stuff inside the Blender Addon is some of tools are working directly with paralel one in Blender and has to update together.
- e.g. Copy object Transform in 3DsMax and paste on an object inside the Blender.
- e.g. Copy camera with animation inside 3DsMax or Blender and paste inside other 3DsMax, Blender or Unreal engine.
- How to use : Drag and drop inistall.ms file in to 3DsMax viewport.
- There is no tutorial at the time but I`ll make a refrence page soon as posible.
- Almost 50 Tool update and added but need to check and more cleanup yet and some of them may not work properly yet.
- Similar Tool package for Unreal engine is on the way too.
- Shader and GNode preset menu moved to end of add menu.
- 3DsMax to Blender Maxscript updated now support link constraint cameras too.
- Scale parapeter added for Bolt primitive.
- GN 'Probability' node group added to GN/Tools/Append GNode Trees.
- Note: Control Colection info item propablity on 'Instance on points'.
- Connect nodegroup output to 'Instance on points' Selection.
- New Bolt primitive added.
- Note: This Bolt mesh generated by internal Bolt Factory addons itself. the only additional abelty is that culd change and update parameters any time you want, not only at creating.
- New QuadSphere premitive added.
- New Torusknot Curve primitive added.
- Circle Curve primitive now has segment count parameter too.
- Helix primitive now has Bezier and Segment mode.
- Pick DOF target depth works for Active Camera rather then Selected one.
- Parametric Primitive Object could be add from add menu too.
- Camera DOF depth picker, while a camera with DOF target selected got to "View/Cameras/Pick DOF Depth" and then click on any surface to put DOF targen on it.
- Multi shape key Driver issue fixed.
- Some code cleaning and bug fixing.
- 'Ctrl + Shift + W' UV editor Merg by distance.
- Fillet/Chamfer mouse release issue fixed for now (this tool need to rewrite completely).
- Curve tools get_segment issue fixed (Teapot, Refine, divide and many other tools fixed).
- Draw Lattice, Light prop ... height Z correction issue fix.
- Draw primitive below the grid issue fixed for now but better solution will replace soon.
- 'Select Keyed Bones' (Pose Mode: Select> Select Keyed Bones).
- Set lattice in mesh edit mode added to 'Edit mode: View3d> Add' menu too.
- 'Ctrl + shift + D' Detach in Mesh Edit mode (3DsMax mode).
- 'Make Unique' seprate groupe of linked/instance objects keep linked with each other (View3d> Object> relation> Make unique).
- New 'Delete' Operator keeps Children world transform when parent delete (3DsMax and Blender adaptive mode 'Delete')
- New 'Select All' operator that select all pose bones as same time (Select> All + Bones).
- Clean up the curve tools code (make ready for future updates).
- 'Snapshot' operator added (View3D> object> Snapshot).
- 'Shapekey sort' Reorder shapekeys by name.
- Freeze/Unfreeze operator on quadmenu works on bone edit and pose mode too.
- Select More/Less 'Ctrl + PUp/PDown' repeat the action on hod key (3DsMax Mode).
- 'View3D> Tools' menu issue in blender 3.x fixed.
- 'Bendy Bone Controller' creator tools added 'View3d> Tools> Rigg> Add BBone Control'.
- Render preset save load works for cycle x too (Render properties> Preset).
- All stuff for Older Blender than the 2.93 removed.
- 'Ctrl + RMB Double click' add selected only the picked objects children (3DsMax).
- 'Ctrl + Shift + P' Link to. (3DsMax, Blender Adaptive).
- Selection Keys fixed for Weight Paint mode (3DsMax).
- Camera FOV target create location on rigged cameras fixed.
- Joystick Creator store 'Display Meshes' in a collection rather than delete them.
- Joystick Creator share display mesh if there are same rather than new for each.
- New 'Circular Joystick' added. Create a Circle and call operator.
- Some minor bugs fixed.
- Draw object Gride preview added (For now just a prototype).
- 'Create Bone' Bone roll rotation fixed and now works correctly in IK mode.
- 'Select Flipped UVs' [UV editor> select> Select Filipped UVs].
- 'Create Upnode' add parented empty object (object> parent> create upnode).
- 'Lattice / FFD' set operator miss calculation fixed and performed.
- New 'Transform class' And 'Grid Display', not implement in all other tools yet.
- 'Ctrl + Inser' set Pivot menu add to pose & bone edit mode too (3DsMax mode).
- 'Random Object color' unlike the other random display, manualy editable and change every time (Object> show/hide > Random object color).
- Ocean Caustic added to map presets "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees".
- 'Alt + Space' Selection Lock Toggle (3DsMax mode).
- 'Light lister' ignore material with emission strength 0.
- 'Ctrl + C/V' in EDIT_MESH mode Copy/Paste single vertex location (Mirror Optinal).
- File Version Operator moved from edit menu to file menu.
- Sprite sheet node groupe order changed to Up to Down, Left to Right.
- some issue from previes update has been fiexed.
- Keymaps updated to be compatable with 'Blender 3.2' too.
- 'Sprite play loop/ragge' node groupse added to shader node groups presets.
- 'Freez On' operator can be lock to right panel (Optinal).
- 'Copy/Paste Transform' to other Blender('Ctrl+C/V' 3DsMax & Blender Adaptive).
- Some Bugfixed, Cleanup and small issues fixed.
- 'Parallax Ice' Node groupe for easy and fast Ice effect in EEVEE.
- 'Sprite 2D' Node groupe for display or animate sprite sheet.
- Detach operator in quadmenu keeps last setting for next oparation (3DsMax mode).
- Version operator show the Current blend file version (Menu/Edit/File Version).
- 'Shift + E' Extrude edit curve (3DsMax mode).
- 'Ctrl + Insert' as copy 'Shfit + Insert' as paste on most parts (3DsMax mode).
- 'C' Camera search works on DopeSheet, timeline, CurveEditor and LNA too (3DsMax mode).
- 'camera.search' operator removed 'camera.select' do the same job ('C' in max mode).
- UV Tools panel a little bit arranged and get better but not final yet.
- Changes on previous update causes problem on older blenders (2.8x) that issue fixed.
- Some other minor Bugfix and Cleanup.
- UV Tools collected on 'UV Tools' panel to faster acces (Not final).
- New UV split operator that work in sync mode too.
- 'Ctrl / Shift' Selection issue for Blender 3.x fixed.
- 'Ctrl + RMB' or 'Shift + RMB' Select more 'Alt + RMB' Deselect (3DsMax Mode).
- Collection hide bye Number in view3D disabled in 3DsMax mode.
- 'Ctrl + Left/Right' jump to Previes/Next Marker (3DsMax and Blender Adaptive).
- '[' & ']' Left/Right Panel toggle works in all areas (3DsMax mode).
- 'N' Auto key Toggle works in all areas (3DsMax mode).
- Some minor bugs fixed.
- 'Hair from Curve' suport Poly curve too (Tools/Particle/..).
- 'Hair Guides To Curve' create Poly curve rather than Beziear curve (Faster and Accurate)
- 'Grab style' operator Freeze hair dynamic style as hair brush (Tools/Particle/..).
- 'G' Hide/Show gride works on flat views too (3DsMax mode).
- Mesh Attach operator can pick Font object too.
- Bugfix and code Cleaning.
- some arrangement in BsMax Wiki.
- Change the Addon github Name From 'BsMax_2_80' to 'BsMax'.
- Quadmenu 'Freeze transform/ Transform to zero' works corectly (3DsMax mode).
- 'WERVX[]' type proplem in Edit Text Mode solved.
- Some bug caused by 3.x Api update are fixed and Code cleaning.
- 'Make Library Override (Multi)' Convert selected object rather than only active object (Object/Relation/..).
- 'Distance Sort' & 'Path Sort' improved and bug fixed (Object/Transform/..).
- 'Distance Sort' & 'Path Sort' renamed to 'Arrange by Distance', 'Arrange on Curve'
- Quick setup for create pillows 'Create/Mesh/Extera/Pillow' (Basic one will be improved).
- Selction issue in pose mode fixed (3DsMax mode).
- New operator select Splines by Close/Open (EditCurve/Select/Select Close).
- Hide/Unhie on Edit Mode affect only on active element(Vertex, Edge or Face).
- Hide/Unhide menu and key maps fixed for Curve and Armature too.
- 'Quadmenu' Mesh edit NURMS Toggle actived.
- 'Quadmenu' Mesh Edit'Triangulate' placed as 'Edit Triangulation'.
- 'Quadmenu' Outline and Bevel tools are active.
- Some other minor bugs fiexed.
- 'Chamfer' Operator 'Ctrl+Shift+C' and same in Quadmenu works fine (3DsMax model).
- 'Chamfer' Operator automatically switch to vertex and edge mode depends on mode.
- Object Properties is better than before but still far from perfect (3DsMax model).
- 'Weld' Operator in quadmenu now is working (3DsMax model).
- Quadmenu Select instance issue fixed (3DsMax mode).
- Quadmenu 'Freeze' Operator makes object display as solid color.
- 'Hide/Unhide' Operator in Quadmenu do not affect render setting anymore.
- 'Alt+Q' works on all Modes in View3d (3DsMax mode only).
- Paralax Node tree added "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees/...".
- Note: Paralax map works on coordinate system and Not suport UVMap yet.
- Backburner submitter 'Frame per task' miscalculation fixed.
- Backburner submitter load preset error fixed.
- Some other minor bug fixed.
- Parent Constraint stuff added to animation Quadmenu 'Alt + RMB'
- Some minor Bugs Fixed.
- Image Blure, Fallof, Untile Node preset can be append from "Shader editor/Tools/Append Node Trees/..."
- Helix primitive height miscalculation fixed.
- Primitive Icosphere issue with Blender 3.0 fixed (API update).
- All Quadmenu Items rechecked and refiend much as possible.
- Create Line, Empty and Lights issu from last update fixed.
- Primitive draw on surface and view Done.
- Hold 'Ctrl' while draw primitive opjects draws on one step.
- Better method for calculate second radius (Cone, Helix).
- Note: Some of primitive (e.g. Arc) not working for now but will fix and update soon.
- Tool menu issue from last update fixed.
- The error on Disable/Enalble of addon fixed.
- 'anim.set_key_filters' unregister issue fixed.
- 'Align object' tool completely renewed based on world martix (better and faster).
- 'Align object' can align perfectly on pose bone (Rotation and Scale).
- 'Align object' do not affect selection anymore.
- 'Fix override driver' tool none mesh type error solved.
- 'Create object' set 'Object type visablity' on while create.
- 'Select Camera' Operator issue fixed for scene without Camera.
- Show types toggle keys added to pose mode (Max mode).
- Draw object on master collection in Blender 3.0 problem solved.
- Convert to operator issue with some modifiers fiexed.
- Code review and some clean up and arangment.
- save_preferences issu fixed for Blender 3.0
- 'Shift+M' call collection Menu (Max mode) (replacment for 'M' that used for Material Editor).
- 'Path Constraint' by default set keys type as Linear.
- 'Ctrl+S' in text editor Save text if external Save blend file if internal (Max Mode).
- 'Shift+V' Preview Menu (Max Mode).
- New Create Primitive operator for draw object on surface.
- Note: for now just Applyed for objects without width and length parameter.
- Camera target and FOV create in same collection as the camera is.
- Backburner submitter works on Mac (thanks to CalvinAndHobbies).
- Backburner submitter`s double first frame issue fixed.
- New 'Premiere' keyspap added for VSE addes (BsMax/Custom/Video sequencer)
- VSE 'Alt + Arrow' keys Move active Strip (like in premire) (Max and Premiere Mode)
- VSE 'H' Mute/Unmute toggle (Max and Premiere Mode)
- Maxscript folder added, will contain some tools. for now trasfer Camera + Keyframes from 3DsMax to Blender.
- Experimental 'Autogrid' added for Create primitive operator..
- Spiderweb polished and some bugfiex (Create Bitmap not working yet disabled for now).
- Set soft limit for some of SpiderWeb creator parameters to avoid crashing.
- The Abandoned SpiderWeb tool from "Maxime Herpin" updated to work with Blender 2.80+ and add as an operator to BsMax (Draw lines with anotation then Create/Mesh/Extera/SpiderWeb).
- Note: SpiderWeb tool is buggy but works for most cases. Don't worry about Bugs all will be fix soon.
- Backburner submiter -1_end and miss last frame bug fixed.
- Backburner submiter can submit Server Group name too.
- Hair cache combine use cache name rather than 'combined' for combined forlder name.
- Press 'Ctrl+Z' while Create Primitive object crash bug fixed.
- Backburner tool Inteface cleaned up and some bug fixed.
- Backburner submitter as float dialog added to render menu.
- 'New Editor' menu added to 'Windows' menu.
- Save/Load button added for backburner setting.
- Backburner can send job for custom version (By default current Blender Version).
- In Backburner submiter 'frame per task' added for 'Specific frames' mode too.
- Submit to Backburner Operator now create a seprate temp file for render.
- Backburner has an option for submit as suspended or not.
- Pre/Post Render Script operator added under Render Properties/Script.
- Note: just write the name of script in text editor for Pre/Post Render script.
- Multiple Hair cache combine operator added to automate the index switch.
- Add a new mode for keep Blender mode keymaps completly untoched.
- 'bpy.utils.user_resource' issue fixed.
- Selection set Copy/past issue fixed.
- Selection set interface simplified.
- 'Ctrl + K' Insert Keyframe menu (Max mode).
- 'Alt + K' Delete Key (Max mode).
- 'Ctrl + Shift + K' 'Set Key Filter' (max mode).
- 'Set Key Filter' added to Time slider.
- Transfer tool for Rigg Selection set to other Rigg 'Pose mode: Right Panel/Tool/Selection(Pose bone)/Transform/(Copy/Past)'
- Auto library override issue fixer caused to crash on heavy secens, disabled for now.
- BsMax works with Blender defult with Rightclick select mode too.
- Fix library override issue fix on render time automaticaly.
- Light lister list materials with emission (Editable only if Color or Strength slot are free).
- 'OpenGL Depth Picking' Autodisable is optinal (Search for 'Auto Use Select Pick Depth Toggle' off by default)
- 'OpenGL Depth Picking' Automaticly disable on Pose mode to speed up bone selecting.
- 'C' Camera search fits camera frame to view too (3DsMax Mode).
- Timeline Red bar back with no crash.
- Light/Camera lister Improved.
- 'Freeze On' Repeat count issue fixed.
- 'Freeze On' improved ('Animation/Freeze On')
- 'Freeze On' Fix an IK controller in position for wanted frame range 'Animation/Freeze On'.
- 'W, E, R' auto Coordinate Toggle 'World/Local' disabled by default. 'Ctrl+W' for Active/Deactive (3DsMax mode).
- 'Parent Constraint' and 'parent to world' works on pose mode too.
- 'SetKey' issue when no object select fixed. (Max mode)
- 'Edit Mode' shortkey disabled for Linked, Proxy & Libraryoveride Armature that can not be edit.
- All version check codes updated to make then add-on works on Blender 3.0 and above too;
- Parent constraint now works better with Armature objects.
- Minor improvement and bug fixed in some of tools.
- 'K' add key frame on ui items too (3DsMax mode).
- 'S' add key frame on ui items too (Maya mode).
- 'Connect Script To Active Object' operator bind script to the object and makes link or merge with it to news scene automatically.
- '6' open float geometry node editor (Replacement for PFSurce shortcut) (3DsMax mode).
- 'bpy.ops.editor.float' Updated to work in Blender 2.93 and improved ('M', '8', 'F11' in 3DsMax mode).
- 'Align Object' works for objects with Constriants.
- 'Set start/end frame' (Right Click Menu time line and Sequencer).
- 'Join plus' Ask for apply befor join 'Ctrl + j' (Blender & 3DsMax Mode).
- Render preset Save/Load and Copy/Paste operator added (Render Properties/ Presets)
- "Overridelibrary" Driver Issue fixer applying for the whole scene automatically (Tools/Animation/Fix Override Driver Issue)
- Solve the Library override broken shapekey drivers (Tools/Animation/Fix Override Driver Issue).
- Select by Length and Segment Count added to Select Menu in Curve Edit mode.
- 'W', 'E', 'R' issue with snap fixed.
- Multi target shapekey (driving multiple shapekeys automatically) added under shapekey panel.
- Very simple tool for quick rename objects data name same as object name (for now search 'Data Rename' operator).
- 'Align object' issue with new merged object fixed.
- Quadmenu 'Weld' option is works now (as a temprary solution).
- The issue of last update ('W, E, R' and snap) fixed.
- Camera Target seprated from FOV Target.
- Camera Target tools puted on 'Properties > Object Data (Camera) > Target/Tools' panel.
- 'Blender Transform Type' added to Options make 'W, E, R' Keys work like Blender 'G, R'S' Keys (Need to restart blender on change)
- 'TWEAK MMB + Shift' Align view (Replacement of 'TWEAK MMB + Alt' in Blender Default for 3DsMax Mode).
- Zoom mode setting to Horizontal mode when Maya navigation active.
- Joystick connector remove old driver if exist.
- Camera target control the F-Stop of Depth of Field too.
- 'Hair guides from/to curve' added to View3D:Tools/Particle Menu.
- Mesh Edit mode Skin Resize keymap changed to 'Ctrl + Shift + A' (Max mode).
- Joystic to Shape key connector added to link context menu (Ctrl + L).
- 'Weight to Vertex Color' puted in View3d/ Paint menu (Vertex paint Mode).
- 'A' copy active object material to selected objects as 3DsMax "Assign Material to Selection" (Max mode).
- 'Create' and 'Tools' Menus shows only in object mode.
- 'Shift + T' open External Data context menu replacement for 3DsMax Asset Tracking (Max mode).
- New Selection Set for Armature (Pose mode only) (View3D/ Rigth Panel/ Tool/ Selection)
- Backburner Tool Updated.
- "BsMax_2_80\tools\internal\render\backburner.py" Could be installed as a standalone addons too.
- The function that has changed timeline color on auto on cused to crash blender some time. disabled till find a solution.
- Submit Render jobs to Backburner (Original code from "Matt Ebb | Blaize | Anthony Hunt | Spirou4D") (For Now Windows Only).
- Updated "Backburner" addon for Blender 2.8x, 2.9x.
- Add Specific Frames type ('1, 3, 5-7') to "Backburner" tool.
- 'Ctrl+Shift+A' Create primitive Menu added to blender key-maps mode.
- Armature.arrach operator bug fixed
- Hair guide from curve operator compatibility issue with Blender 2.91 fix.
- Delete_plus for object mode keep children transform on parent delete. ('Delete' Max mode)
- 1, 2, 3 disabled for non converted primitive objects.
- Link_to operator issue with transformed parent Re-Link to other object fixed.
- 'pose.select_hierarchy_plus' tool replased with 'pose.select_hierarchy' for defult blender mode. ('[' ']' in Blender mode).
- "DoublClick" select children in Pose mode (Blender mode)
- Additional object (Mesh, Curve, Text) can attach to bone custome shape in pose mode (works on Rest Positon mode).
- Transform/Rotation to Zero reset bone for pose mode rather than the armature position.
- Additional Primitives are create from search box (Search for 'Create' then choose the type).
- Additional Primitives are create from python Script (https://github.com/NevilArt/BsMax/wiki/bpy.ops.object.create).
- Create empty frame for using as joysticks border added for 'Joystic Creator'.
- 'Ctrl + RMB' Select extended in max mode works better now.
- 'Attach' tool collaps target objects modifiers before join. (for now works only for Mesh objects)
- Smart loop/ring tools from 'maxivz_tools' addon updated.
- 'Convert to' and 'Join Plus' tools updated to 'No Mercy' mode (Modifier apply, Make unique, clear primitives data).
- 'Join Plus' issue with armature objects fixed.
- New 'pose.select_hierarchy_plus' tool select child/parent in pose mode better than original one.
- 'Ctrl + L' do 'Attribute link' if object selected do 'Light toggle' if not obj selected (Max Mode)
- Node editor 'Zoom extended' error on empty node editor has fixed ('Z' in max mode).
- Joystick connector status check updated to avoid displaying error messages.
- 'Detach' command in quad menu issue fixed and now it works.
- Undo issue fixed for most of the Operators.
- "DoublClick" and "Ctrl+DoubleClick" for select children in object mode (Max mode)
- Accidentally created tiny primitives removing automatically.
- Undo for Create primitives remove only the last one.
- Refine tool added (insert vertex on clicked point in curves) (Curve edit mode: menu: Segment/ Refine)
- In Quad Menu Move, Rotate, Scale Setting buttion action issue fixed.
- Align Object added to menu: Object/Transform/Align Objects(BsMax).
- Hide/Unhide issue in Quad Menu fixed.
- Max like selection key map added for particle edit mode(Max mode only).
- Hair guide from curve step_key counts issue fixed.
- Node editor 3DsMax like selection short keys (Max mode only).
- Node editor 'H' and 'Ctrl + H' actions swapped for 3DsMax mode.
- Weight paint to vertex paint convertor added (for now search for "Weight to Vertex Color").
- Create Curve from hair guide tool added (for now search for "Hair Guides To Curve")
- Hair guide from Curve operator added (for now select mesh search "Hair Guides From Curve" and pick Curve)
- A Simple Camera lister added (Menu: Render > Camera Lister)
- Character lister added (for now very simple stuff but in time other tools will be add)
- Mesh edit mode 'Ctrl + M' Subdivid/MSmooth selected faces (Max mode only)
- Atach picked object in Edit mode like 3DsMax`s edit poly attach (object mode and Edit mode in Quad menu).
- Same Attach function added for Curve & Armature too.
- ObjectPicker Operator updated.
- Pivot to First Bezier point issue fixed (Ctrl + Insert in set pivot point menu).
- Bugfix.
- Default auto smooth fixed for Torus, Teapot, Monkey primitives.
- Bugfix.
- Align Objects has better UI and able to Align Objects to Bone of Armature too.
- Primitive Geometries create and update with Shade Smooth active.
- Join (ctrl+J) clear primitive data now.
- Object display setiing assined to 'Alt+X'.
- Path Sort Operator updated (Select objects call the operator then pick path)
- PickOperator bug fixed.
- Linkto Operator now can link Object directly to a bone.
- PickOperator updated, now can return source, subsource, target and subtarget.
- New Hotkeys added to weight paint and File Browser (Max mode only).
- Camera search any object display filter toggle Keymaps added for paint/sculp modes too.
- Timeline Red header issue fixed.
- Path Constraint setting up a "Follow Path" in two clicks and set the key frame on Object rather than the path.
- Parent Constraint in object mode can directly parent the Objects to the Bone rather than Armature.
- View3D/Tools/Animation Max like Constraints tools added.
- In Pose mode Doubleclick Select All children.
- if you dont like the infinit gride then press 'G' to have a limited one.
- Jotstick connector updated for work with new Joystick creator.
- Joystick creator made a controller from Armatur can be join with rigg
- Pose menu added to Quadmenu and some Keymap added for Pose mode.
- Select Element enabled for Curve mode too ('5' Toggle On/Off)
- Select Element enabled for 3DsMax mode ('5' Toggle On/Off, 'Ctrl + 5' Open Setting Dialog)
- Open the keymaps list in github wiki via addon preferences (In production).
- Preferences UI changed, more optional and easy to understand.
- Quad menu can scale from addon preferences.
- lots of code cleaning and Simplification to make future improvment easy.
- Align Objects has percentage option now and can put in halfway or increase distance by entering negative value.
- Some New Items added to Quad menu.
- "Link to" operator (Avalible in Quadmenu).
- Align objects draws a line to show the tool is active.
- All Operators has self report now. you can see python api of each operator in 'Info' or 'Console'.
- Time keys now working on all areas ('N' ', ' '.' '/' 'Home' 'End' in Max mode)
- '[' and ']' defined to Left and Right Tool panel open/close toggle (Max Mode only).
- Keymap system has duplication check function.
- Press the 'W', 'E', 'R' again toggles between Global/Local coordinate (Max, Maya mode).
- light lister ignore the instance lights to simplify the list.
- "Clear primitive data" combined with "Convert to" command (Max Mode only)
- Hide/Undide updated but not fine yet (because of python limitation for now)
- Keep Prefrence settng when add-on has Disable/Enable or Updated.
- Align objects acts as 3DsMax now. (Select objects, press 'Alt + A' then pick Target).
- Transform type in fixed (Max mode F12)(Object mode only).
- (Ctrl + shift + C) Flet/chamfer in Curve Edit mode.
- (Ctrl + Tab) Multi Modifier Editor.
- UV projections added to UV Edit menu.
- Startup navigation key binding issue solved.
- Float modifire editor can match only selected modifier with selected objects if had same modifier.
- Snap automaticly changes on Move Rotate tool call viea short cut(act more max like).
- View undo can disable now (some times cause the viewport leg).
- Camera lister updated ('C' in Max mode).
- ...