A utility for converting pdf to image and base64 format.
- node >= 4.1.2
- graphicsmagick
- converts pdf to image, duh.
- converts pdf to base64.
- bluebird
- fs-extra
- gm
- gm-base64
npm install -S pdf2pic
let PDF2Pic = require('pdf2pic').default
let converter = new PDF2Pic({
density: 100, // output pixels per inch
savename: "untitled", // output file name
savedir: "./images", // output file location
format: "png", // output file format
size: 600 // output size in pixels
// by default the first page of the pdf will be converted
// to image
.then(resolve => {
console.log("image converted successfully")
// or you can also convert bulk
// in this example we will only convert pages 1 4 and 6
converter.convertBulk("path/to/pdf/sample.pdf", [1,4,6])
.then(resolve => {
console.log("image converted successfully")
// fuck it, we can also convert all pages to pdf by
// supplying -1 as second argument
converter.convertBulk("path/to/pdf/sample.pdf", -1)
.then(resolve => {
console.log("image converted successfully")
// you can also directly convert pdf to base64 of an image
.then(resolve => {
if(resolve.base64) {
// assuming you're using some ORM to save base64 to db
db.model.table('users').update({id: "1", image: resolve.base64})
- running convert() after running convertToBase64() doesn't save the file.