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We happily accept both issues and pull requests for bug reports, bug fixes, feature requests, features implementations and documentation improvements. For new features we recommend that you create an issue first so the feature can be discussed and to prevent unnecessary work in case it's not a feature we want to support. Although, we do realize that sometimes code needs to be in place to allow for a meaningful discussion so creating an issue upfront is not a requirement.

Building and testing

You can find everything related to building, testing and environment setup in

PR Workflow

We want to get your changes merged as fast as possible, and we know you want that too. To help with this there are a few things you can do to speed up the process:

Build, Test and Lint Locally

The local feedback cycle is faster than waiting for the CI. Make sure your changes can be built locally and that unit tests, qa tests and golangci-lint all pass locally. A green CI is a happy CI. In case of qa tests, it is enough to run the suite relevant to your changes, we'll run the entire regression for you and come back with the results after we have look at the PR. You should also keep in mind that tests are executed on a live application and backend, which could result in some flakiness. Try running the suite a couple of times and let us know if you notice any tests that fail on a consistent basis.

PR Hygiene

On top of the CI being green, every PR will go through code review, and you can help us speed up the review process by making your PR easier to review. Here are some guidelines:

Small PRs are easier to review than big PRs: Try to keep your PRs small and focused. To achieve that, try to make sure you PR doesn't contain multiple unrelated changes and if you are doing some bigger feature work, try to split the work into multiple smaller PRs that solve the problem together.

A clean history can make things easier: Some PRs are easier to review commit-by-commit, rather than looking at the full changelist in one go. To enable that, prefer rebase over merge when updating your branch. Keeping PRs small and short-lived will also help keep your history clean since there's less time for upstream to change that.


NordVPN Linux® is released under GPL-3.0 License. For more details please refer to file.

Contributor License Agreement

To accept your pull request, we need you to agree with the Nord Security Contributor License Agreement (CLA). The CLA signing is integrated into the PR workflow, you only need to authenticate with your GitHub account to validate your identity. Additionally the CLA needs to be agreed just once. In any case please let us know if you need additional support and guidance.

Code of conduct

Nord Security and all of it's projects adhere to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. When participating, you are expected to honor this code.

Thank you!