Deploy a Modular and Scalable Virtual Network Architecture with Amazon VPC.
- You must be having an AWS account to create infrastructure resources on AWS cloud.
- Source Code
Customize the application dependencies mentioned below on AWS EC2 instance and create the Golden AMI.
- Install Apache Web Server
- Install Git
- Cloudwatch Agent
- Push custom memory metrics to Cloudwatch.
- AWS SSM Agent
- Build VPC network ( ) for Bastion Host deployment as per the architecture shown above.
- Build VPC network ( ) for deploying Highly Available and Auto Scalable application servers as per the architecture shown above.
- Create NAT Gateway in Public Subnet and update Private Subnet associated Route Table accordingly to route the default traffic to NAT for outbound internet connection.
- Create Transit Gateway and associate both VPCs to the Transit Gateway for private communication.
- Create Internet Gateway for each VPC and Public Subnet associated Route Table accordingly to route the default traffic to IGW for inbound/outbound internet connection.
- Create Cloudwatch Log Group with two Log Streams to store the VPC Flow Logs of both VPCs.
- Enable Flow Logs for both VPCs and push the Flow Logs to Cloudwatch Log Groups and store the logs in the respective Log Stream for each VPC.
- Create Security Group for bastion host allowing port 22 from public.
- Deploy Bastion Host EC2 instance in the Public Subnet with EIP associated.
- Create S3 Bucket to store application specific configuration.
- Create Launch Configuration with below configuration.
- Golden AMI
- Instance Type – t2.micro
- Userdata to pull the code from Bitbucket Repository to document root folder of webserver and start the httpd service.
- IAM Role granting access to Session Manager and to S3 bucket created in the previous step to pull the configuration. (Do not grant S3 Full Access)
- Security Group allowing port 22 from Bastion Host and Port 80 from Public.
- Key Pair
- Create Auto Scaling Group with Min: 2 Max: 4 with two Private Subnets associated to 1a and 1b zones.
- Create Target Group and associate it with ASG.
- Create Network Load balancer in Public Subnet and add Target Group as target.
- Update route53 hosted zone with CNAME record routing the traffic to NLB.
- As DevOps Engineer login to Private Instances via Bastion Host.
- Login to AWS Session Manager and access the EC2 shell from console.
- Browse web application from public internet browser using domain name and verify that page loaded.
This project is crafted by Harshhaa 💡.
I’d love to hear your feedback! Feel free to share your thoughts.
📧 Connect with me:
- GitHub: @NotHarshhaa
- Blog: ProDevOpsGuy
- Telegram Community: Join Here
- LinkedIn: Harshhaa Vardhan Reddy
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