Auto-tuner that builds optimized kernels for Convolutional Layers on ConvNets
Given convolution parameters, It runs the three main convolution methods: Direct Method,
Lowering and FFT-based. Then, it gives the best method .o and auto-tuned parameters.
The project is multi-staged. It uses Lua as a high-level language and Terra as the low-level staged code.
Terra (
Terra is a low-level language created with interoperability with Lua in mind.
<terra binary> src/tuner.lua (it generates dconv.o or sconv.o)
You can run it as terra src/tuner.lua --help to see how it works and some flags or just see the code.
*Find the terra binary and run it or just make sure terra is in your $PATH or you have an alias to it
image test: use the makefile (summarily: terra src/imageconv.lua && ./my_convolution <kernel>) Images are stored on /images.
most important branches:
-> Direct Method
-> Lowering (multi-threaded, using optimized GEMM))
State of the art of the method:
-> FFT-based method (also called: "Fast Convolution")
Features: Multi-threaded, using: 2-points and 4-points FFT kernels, kernel for transpose
and kernel for point-wise multiplication (blocked and auto-tuned)
State of the art of the method:
most important files:
src/tuner.lua: auto-tuner that iterates over the three methods
benchmarks/: benchmarking with other implementations
src/examples/: some minimal code of implemented features
image.t:image library (from
<method>-matrixtestharness.t: time measure in the auto-tuning process
<method>-multithreads.t: multi-thread library based on pthreads
fft-kernels.t: n-point kernels for FFT
branching tags:
wip: works in progress
junk: experiments
bug: fixing a bug
dev: intermediate developments (to be put on tests/ folder) or with some specific feature
Note: the FFT-based has accuracy errors and the idea is to improve it and fix an upper-bound to round-off errors