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Auto-deploy is a light-weighted NN auto-deployment tools. It involves auto op-fusion and auto op codegen, generating neural network deployment codes for specific targets.

Auto-deploy involves the following process:

  1. read onnx model, parse into Graph IR
  2. run graph optimization passes
  3. dump graph to deployment codes
  4. compile generated codes to executable file

Quick Start

env requirements:

  • python3 with onnx installed
  • autokernel docker with halide installed

cd c_source
g++ *.cpp -o mnist
./mnist ../data/mnist.weights ../data/input_6.bin
  • run python3 will generate main.cpp file in c_source directory
  • run python3 will compiler op_gen.cpp and generate the following codes:
    |-- generated.h
    |-- halide_conv.cpp
    |-- halide_conv.h
    |-- halide_matmul.cpp
    |-- halide_matmul.h
    |-- halide_maxpool.cpp
    |-- halide_maxpool.h
    |-- halide_relu.cpp
    |-- halide_relu.h
  • finally, compile the source code and run, will print the output data, which is consistent with the result get in graph_tutorial.ipynb. with is output data, it will get predicted number is 6 after postprocessing.
    2.797004 -12.441699 0.206829 -3.550967 0.014401 5.138205 17.518187 -16.953455 2.517180 -5.376605

Graph Tutorials

see graph_tutorial.ipynb

Pass Manager

Passes perform the transformations and optimizations for the graph. It may contain more than one passes for the graph. Intuitively, passes can be called by

graph = pass1(graph)
graph = pass2(graph)
graph = pass3(graph)

Pass manager is used for better passes management. It can reuse same pattern to generate different passes. In Pass manager:

  • register fusion pattern
  • add pass_func by reuse pattern
  • auto pass dependent analysis, generate seq_pass_list
  • according generated seq_pass_list, auto run all passed

Generated main.cpp

  • malloc all used tentors
    float* _0= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*784); //Input3
    float* _1= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*200); //Parameter5
    float* _2= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*8); //Parameter6
    float* _3= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*6272); //Plus30_Output_0
    float* _4= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*6272); //ReLU32_Output_0
    float* _5= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*1568); //Pooling66_Output_0
    float* _6= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*3200); //Parameter87
    float* _7= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*16); //Parameter88
    float* _8= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*3136); //Plus112_Output_0
    float* _9= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*3136); //ReLU114_Output_0
    float* _10= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*256); //Pooling160_Output_0
    float* _11= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*2560); //Parameter193_reshape1
    float* _12= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*10); //Parameter194
    float* _13= (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*10); //Plus214_Output_0
  • load weights
    FILE* fp = fopen(weight_name, "rb");
    if (!fp) printf("data can not be open");
    fread(_1, sizeof(float), 200, fp);
    fread(_2, sizeof(float), 8, fp);
    fread(_6, sizeof(float), 3200, fp);
    fread(_7, sizeof(float), 16, fp);
    fread(_11, sizeof(float), 2560, fp);
    fread(_12, sizeof(float), 10, fp);
  • inference code

Auto-deploy V.S. inference framenwork

inference framework auto-deploy
op fusion implements
- manual implementation of op fusion

- hard to reuse fusion patterns
good for reuse op fusion patterns
op fusion space limited numbers of op fusions can extend to automatic op-fusion with model, bigger search space
op implementations manual fused_op implementations for multi backends auto codegen with autokernel for multi backends
deployment codes light-weighted, only generated op needed in assigned neural networks provide op library with all common op implementations

Release Note

2021/09 auto-deploy v1.0

  • graph core codes: tensor, node, graph ir
  • pass manager: op_fusion, remove reshape
  • nn demo: mnist onnx models/mnist
  • op: conv, add, relu, matmul, reshape
  • deployment main.cpp codegen

Future work

  • auto tensor memory scheduling
  • tmfile supports
  • more nn demo
  • ...