Hardware revisions changes:
- revision A - internal, not released
- revision B - initial public release
- revision C - changes:
- MicroUSB connector moved back, 40 mils to the middle of the board.
- All mounting holes are now connected to GND.
- Improved the ground layer around the infra red's pads and wires.
- revision C1 - changes:
- Changed R38 from 10k/0603 to 100k/0603 to lower the time without clock
- Changed C28 from 100n/0603 to 10n/0603 to increase the time in reset
- revision D - changes:
- Added a resistor (1k) between OSC_DIS and reset of the PHY.
- Added option to use MCP2562-E/SN and SN65HVD230D upotreba -> R58(NA/R0603)!
- U2 be promeneno ot SY8009AAAC(SOT23-5) na SY8089AAAC(SOT23-5).
- FET1 and FET2 were changed from IRLML6402 to WPM2015-3/TR.
- revision D1 - changes:
- Removed C18(10uF)
- U8 changed from BD5230G-TR(SSOP5/SOT-23-5) to NCP303LSN27T1G(SOT-23-5), due to unavailability;
- C28 changed from 100nF/50V/20%/Y5V/C0603 to 470nF/16V/10%/X7R/C0603, because of the U8 change;
- revision D2 - changes:
- U6 changed from MCP2551-I/SN(SOIC-8_150mil) to MCP2562-E/SN(SOIC-8_150mil)
- R58 changed from NA/R0603 to 0R/R0603.
- revision E - changes:
MCP2551 got "Not recommended for new designs" status so it is replaced with MCP2562 and this lead to:
- R58(0R/R0603) was deleted and U6's pin<5> was connected to +3.3V.
- R52(680R/R0603) was deleted.
- R50(330R/R0603) and R51(330R/R0603) were deleted.
- The MCP2562-E_SN(SOIC-8_150mil)'s symbol was updated, i,.e. U6's component was exchanged with 2562!
Changes related to the problems with ethernet PHY:
- The following components were added to enable powering on the PHY after the 50MHz oscillator has been started: L5(NA(FB0805/600R/2A)), FET3(WPM2015-3/TR), FET4(BSS138), C29(22uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0603), R50(1k/R0603) and R51(10k/R0603).
Changes related to optimizations:
- R26(330R/R0603) and R27(330R/R0603) were changed to 220R/R0603 to reserve a feeder.
- C1 was changed from 47uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0805 to NA(47uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0805).
- C3 was changed from 47uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0805 to NA(47uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0805).
- revision F - changes:
- BUT1 and RST1 new packages.
- Minor PCB routing optimizations.
- All footprints were updated.
- revision G - internal, not released
- Changed the Li-Po charger to BL4054B (was MCP73833 previously).
- revision H - limited release, changes:
- CH340 now powered only from USB (not from battery). Added D7 and D8 on TX/RX, levels are adjusted via R35 and R40. Pin #20 now disconnected. SY8089AAAC(SOT23-5) devider now R20 49.9k and R19 220k. R24 now 470ê.
- Added battery voltage sense option. This is controlled with jumper BAT/BUT1, C30, R9, and R10. It is not enabled by default to maintain compatiblity with previous revisions.
- Added 3D models of the components.
- L2 now 2.2uH/1.5A/DCR=72mR/20%/3.00x3.00x1.50mm/CD32(NR3015T2R2M). Some improvements on ESP-WROOM-32_MODULE package.
- revision H1 - released, changes:
Improved start up for certain hardware setups. Revision H1 has same PCB as revision H (and the PCB of revision H1 says "H") but couple of component changes:
- Changed R24 from 470k/0603 to 1k/0603, the 1k resistor is soldered over the 470k one to reduce chances of damage.
- revsion I - released, changes:
Applied the changes from revision H1 to the PCB and the design, and further improved start-up reliability by adding a capacitor:
- Added C31(1uF/10V/10%/X5R/C0603) on the ESP_EN signal and R24's value changed from 1k/0603 to 10k/0603;
- Added several text lables at the botttom of the board about CAN's connector signals and the battery polarity.
- revision I1 - released, changes:
- Changed C18 from NA(10uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0603) to 1nF/50V/5%/NPO(COG)/C0603 - this improves Ethernet reliability during relay switcing;
- revision I2 - released, changes:
- Changed U8, from NCP303LSN27T1G(SOT-23-5) to NCP303LSN18T1G(SOT-23-5).
- revision I3 - released, changes:
- Changed U6 from MCP2562-E/SN(SOIC-8_150mil) to SIT1042T/3(SOIC-8_150mil).
- revision I4 - released
- Changed U2 value to NCV303LSN23T1G.
- revision J - not released
- Due to global unavailability of MCP2562-E/SN chips, it was necessary to adjust the CAN schematic for compatiblity with MCP2551/SIT1050 too. Following changes were required:
- U6 changed from MCP2562-E/SN(SOIC-8_150mil) to SIT1050T(SOIC-8_150mil);
- Added R12, NA/R0603;
- Added R13, 330R/R0603;
- Added R15, 680R/R0603;
- CE sign added in the PCB;
- Changed C18 from NA(10uF/6.3V/20%/X5R/C0603) to 1nF/50V/5%/NPO(COG)/C0603 - this improves Ethernet behavior during relay switching;
- Added U11(VDA2710NTA(SOT-23)), D10(BAT54A(SOT23-3)), R58(49.9R/1%/R0402), R52(220k/R0603) and C32(1uF/10V/10%/X5R/C0603), so that we can have option to replace the reset chip NCP303LSN27T1G(SOT-23-5). Changed U8 to (NA(NCP303LSN27T1G(SOT-23-5))) and C28 to NA(470nF/16V/10%/X7R/C0603);
- Added D9(1N5819S4(SOD-123)), to rptoect ESP_EN from 4.2V surge during programming; also to protect C32 gettomg cjarged from DTR output of CH340, else new reset schematic (VDA2710NTA) has random timing after pressing reset button;
- Added ESD protection on the Ethernet, TVS1(ESDS314DBVR(SOT-23-5));
- R28, R31, R32, and R33 changed from 49.9R/1%/R0603 to 49.9R/1%/R0402;
- U7 changed from RPM7236-H8 to VS1838B.
- revision K - released
- Labelling improvements;
- Removed "GPIO4" from the "Internal Bootstrapping Resistors" table.
- revision K1 - released
- Changed reset IC from VDA2710NTA(SOT-23)to HX7027 (due to unavailability of VDA2710NTA).
- HX7027 has slightly bigger consumption and when powered trought R52 the voltage might get too low; so also changed R52 from 220k to 100k.