TensorFlow code to perform end-to-end Optical Music Recognition on monophonic scores through Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks and CTC-based training.
This repository was used for the experiments reported in the paper:
End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores
AUTHOR = {Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge and Rizo, David},
TITLE = {End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores},
JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
VOLUME = {8},
YEAR = {2018},
NUMBER = {4},
URL = {http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/8/4/606},
ISSN = {2076-3417},
DOI = {10.3390/app8040606}
This repository is intended for the Printed Images of Music Staves (PrIMuS) dataset.
PrIMuS can be donwloaded from https://grfia.dlsi.ua.es/primus/
Assuming that PrIMuS dataset has been downloaded, and all its samples has been placed in the same folder, the training of the models can be done with ctc_training.py
. It is necessary to build a list of training samples and the set of symbols (vocabulary). Examples of these files are given in Data
python ctc_training.py -semantic -corpus <path_to_PrIMuS> -set Data/train.txt -vocabulary Data/vocabulary_semantic.txt -save_model ./trained_semantic_model
python ctc_training.py -corpus <path_to_PrIMuS> -set Data/train.txt -vocabulary Data/vocabulary_agnostic.txt -save_model ./trained_agnostic_model
For running inference over an input image, ctc_predict.py
can be used, along with an input image, a trained model, and the corresponding vocabulary file. The repository is provided with trained models with both agnostic and semantic representations in Models
folder. These models were the result of the traning process for one of the folds of the 10-fold cross-validation considered in the paper.
Let's see an example for the sample from PrIMuS provided in Data/Example
This sample belongs to the test set of the aforementioned fold, so it was not seen by the networks during their training stage.
python ctc_predict.py -image Data/Example/000051652-1_2_1.png -model Models/agnostic_model.meta -vocabulary Data/vocabulary_agnostic.txt
should get the following prediction
clef-C1 keySignature-EbM timeSignature-2/4 multirest-23 barline rest-quarter rest-eighth note-Bb4_eighth barline note-Bb4_quarter. note-G4_eighth barline note-Eb5_quarter. note-D5_eighth barline note-C5_eighth note-C5_eighth rest-quarter barline
The ground-truth of is given in Data/Example/000051652-1_2_1.semantic
clef-C1 keySignature-EbM timeSignature-2/4 multirest-23 barline rest-quarter rest-eighth note-Bb4_eighth barline note-Bb4_quarter. note-G4_eighth barline note-Eb5_quarter. note-D5_eighth barline note-C5_eighth note-C5_eighth rest-quarter barline
It can be observed that the staff section is perfectly recognized by the model.
python ctc_predict.py -image Data/Example/000051652-1_2_1.png -model Models/agnostic_model.meta -vocabulary Data/vocabulary_agnostic.txt
should get the following prediction
clef.C-L1 accidental.flat-L4 accidental.flat-L2 accidental.flat-S3 digit.2-L4 digit.4-L2 digit.2-S5 digit.3-S5 multirest-L3 barline-L1 rest.quarter-L3 rest.eighth-L3 note.eighth-L4 barline-L1 note.quarter-L4 dot-S4 note.eighth-L3 barline-L1 note.quarter-S5 dot-S5 note.eighth-L5 barline-L1 note.eighth-S4 note.eighth-S4 rest.quarter-L3
The ground-truth of this example is given in Data/Example/000051652-1_2_1.agnostic
clef.C-L1 accidental.flat-L4 accidental.flat-L2 accidental.flat-S3 digit.2-L4 digit.4-L2 digit.2-S5 digit.3-S5 multirest-L3 barline-L1 rest.quarter-L3 rest.eighth-L3 note.eighth-L4 barline-L1 note.quarter-L4 dot-S4 note.eighth-L3 barline-L1 note.quarter-S5 dot-S5 note.eighth-L5 barline-L1 note.eighth-S4 note.eighth-S4 rest.quarter-L3 barline-L1
As discussed in the paper, this representation often misses the last barline.
- Jorge Calvo Zaragoza ([email protected])