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This is a collection of tools helpful for inspecting and tracking performance of the Unstructured library.

The benchmarking script allows a user to track performance time to partitioning results against a fixed set of test documents and store those results with indication of architecture, instance type, and git hash, in S3.

The profiling script allows a user to inspect how time time and memory are spent across called functions when performing partitioning on a given document.


Benchmarking requires no additional dependencies and should work without any initial setup. Profiling has a few dependencies which can be installed with:

pip install -r scripts/performance/requirements.txt
npm install -g speedscope

The second dependency speedscope provides a tool to view profiling results from py-spy locally. Alternatively you can also drop the profile result *.speedscope into to view the results online.



Export / assign desired environment variable settings:

  • DOCKER_TEST: Set to true to run benchmark inside a Docker container (default: false)
  • NUM_ITERATIONS: Number of iterations for benchmark (e.g., 100) (default: 3)
  • INSTANCE_TYPE: Type of benchmark instance (e.g., "c5.xlarge") (default: unspecified)
  • PUBLISH_RESULTS: Set to true to publish results to S3 bucket (default: false)

Usage: ./scripts/performance/


Export / assign desired environment variable settings:

  • DOCKER_TEST: Set to true to run profiling inside a Docker container (default: false)


on Linux: ./scripts/performance/

on macOS: sudo -E ./scripts/performance/; py-spy requires su to run on macOS

  • Run the script and choose the profiling mode: 'run' or 'view'.
  • In the 'run' mode, you can profile custom files or select existing test files.
  • In the 'view' mode, you can view previously generated profiling results.
  • The script supports time profiling with cProfile and memory profiling with memray.
  • Users can choose different visualization options such as flamegraphs, tables, trees, summaries, and statistics.
  • Test documents are synced from an S3 bucket to a local directory before running the profiles