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Intro Node

Build Tools


  • NPM Tasks
  • Grunt
  • Bower
  • Browserify

NPM Tasks

To get started with NPM Scripts we will need a package.json in our project directory. Use npm init or your editor to create one. Then let's install our first tool.

 npm install --save-dev jshint

You might have something like the following:

  "name": "Something",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "A Something project",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
  "devDependencies": {
    "jshint": "^2.5.6",

Next let's edit the "scripts": object to include our first task.

"scripts": {
	"lint": "jshint ./example.js"

Now we have our first command setup we can run it.

npm run lint

Anything in your "scripts" object can be run using npm run <key_of_script>.


1.) Make a directory called scripts and create a file called scripts/greet.js. In the greet.js file use console.log to print out a greeting. Verify it works using node scripts/greet.js. Add the following to your package.json.

"scripts": {
	"prelint": "node scripts/greet.js"


Now use the npm run lint command again. What do you see?


To get started with Grunt we'll need to do the following:

npm install -g grunt-cli

This will allow use to run the grunt command for any project. Next every grunt driven project needs a Gruntfile.js, so let's create one


module.exports = function (grunt) {
	grunt.registerTask("default", "Greet the world!", function () {
		console.log("HELLO WORLD!!")

Now you can attempt to run this script by typing grunt.


However, you should get an error, because every Grunt project requires grunt to also be installed locally, so let's do that. For best practice you should also install grunt-cli locally and record it in your devDependencies list.

npm install --save grunt

Now we can run our grunt script.

1.) Use the following code to create a greeting.txt file.

grunt.registerTask("greet", "creates a greeting.txt file", function () {
	var name = grunt.option("name") || "World";
	var text = grunt.template.process("Hello, <%= name %>", {data: {name: name }});
	grunt.file.write("greeting.txt", text);

Then run it using grunt greet --name="john doe"

Alternatively, you could just install grunt locally and use npm to kickoff each grunt task, e.g.

"devDependencies": {
	"grunt": "0.4.5",
    "grunt-cli": "0.1.13",

paired with some type of build command in NPM

"scripts": {
	"build": "npm install && grunt",
	"grunt": "grunt"

Then you can use npm to run this

npm run grunt -- greet --name="joe"

You can also use grunt packages to setup common build tasks. Let's setup a build task for our CSS.

1.) First install a grunt-contrib-cssmin library.

2.) Then load it into your application


3.) Next configure it to read your css files.

    grunt.config('cssmin', {
      combine: {
        files: {
          'public/stylesheets/app.min.css': [

4.) Now just run the grunt minification command, grunt cssmin

More Grunt

As you add more libraries you'll have one big config object instead of configuring each task individually.

		cssmin: {
			combine: {
	      		files: {
	       		 	'public/stylesheets/app.min.css': [
		watch: {
			files: [
			tasks: [default]
	grunt.registerTask("clean", function () {
	grunt.registerTask("default", ["clean", "cssmin", "watch"])

You'll also want to install load-grunt-tasks, and the following to your project.

 require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, {
    pattern: 'grunt-*',
    scope: 'devDependencies'