This sample demonstrates how you can geocode addresses to locations and reverse geocode locations to addresses when the device does not have network connectivity
- GeocodeResult
- GeocodeParameters
- LocatorTask
- ReverseGeocodeParameters
Type the address in the Search menu option or select from the list to Geocode
the address and view the result on the map. Long-press on the location you want to Reverse Geocode. Selecting the output pin enables real-time reverse geocoding. Select the pin to highlight the PictureMarkerSymbol
and tap-hold and drag on the map to get real-time geocoding.
Use the path of SanFrancisco.loc to create an object of LocatorTask
. Set up GeocodeParameters
and run asynchronous method geoCodeAsync to get GeocodeResults. Methods getDisplayLocation()
and getLabel()
on geocode results is then used to fetch location and address.
// Execute async task to find the address
mLocatorTask.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mLocatorTask.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED) {
// Call geocodeAsync passing in an address
final ListenableFuture<List<GeocodeResult>> geocodeFuture = mLocatorTask.geocodeAsync(address,
geocodeFuture.addDoneListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
// Get the results of the async operation
List<GeocodeResult> geocodeResults = geocodeFuture.get();
if (geocodeResults.size() > 0) {
// Use the first result - for example
// display on the map
mGeocodedLocation = geocodeResults.get(0);
displaySearchResult(mGeocodedLocation.getDisplayLocation(), mGeocodedLocation.getLabel());
} else {
getString(R.string.location_not_foud) + address,
} catch (InterruptedException|ExecutionException e) {
// Deal with exception...
On similar basis, after setting up ReverseGeocodeParameters
, LocatorTask.reverseGeocodeAsync
returns a list of geocode results.
The sample depends on basemap data to be located on the device. This includes installing a local tile map cache (tpk) to device as described below:
- Download the data from the table below.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to disk.
- Create an ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding folder on your device. You can use the Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool found in /platform-tools.
- Open up a command prompt and execute the
adb shell
command to start a remote shell on your target device. - Navigate to your sdcard directory, e.g.
cd /sdcard/
. - Create the ArcGIS/samples/FLGdb directory,
mkdir ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
. - You should now have the following directory on your target device,
. We will copy the contents of the downloaded data into this directory. Note: Directory may be slightly different on your device. - Exit the shell with the,
command. - While still in your command prompt, navigate to the folder where you extracted the contents of the data from step 1 and execute the following command:
adb push streetmap_SD.tpk /sdcard/ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
adb push san-diego-locator.loc /sdcard/ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
adb push san-diego-locator.locb /sdcard/ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
adb push san-diego-locator.lox /sdcard/ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
adb push san-diego-locator.loc.x /sdcard/ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding
Link | Local Location |
San Diego Streets Tile Package | <sdcard> /ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding/streetmap_SD.tpk |
San Diego Offline Locator | <sdcard> /ArcGIS/samples/OfflineGeocoding/san-diego-locator.loc |