I set the following goals for myself when creating and updating this project; especially for version 1.0. It is a work in progress, but hopefully I've achieved most or all of these.
As you may know, creating ttk styles can be very time-consuming. This library takes the pain out of creating a modern look and feel so that you can focus on designing your application instead of adjusting 25 style settings on a submit button.
Keep it simple. Set styles with keywords. Instead of using ttk style classes such as success.Horizontal.TProgressbar, use success, which is a keyword that can indicate the same semantic meaning for all widgets.
Many people are familiar with bootstrap for web development which comes pre-packaged with built-in css style classes that provide a professional and consistent api for quick development. I took a similar approach with this project by pre-defining styles for nearly all ttk widgets and by enabling style customization with simple keywords.
If you're not using it, then it shouldn't be taking up memory in your application. Nothing bogs down your application more than a bunch of boilerplate assets that you may or may not use.
To fix this, I've designed a styling engine for ttk that builds ttk styles and themes on demand. If a style is not used, it will not be created. This adds a tremendous amount of flexibility in theme and style design as I am no longer limited by the memory limits of pre-loaded image-based widget styles.
To put this into perspective... in version 0.5, if I had a single scale widget in my application, I would need to load 288 images to account for all potential theme and color combinations!! This is how styles are handled traditionally in ttk. In version 1.0, I only need to load 3 or 4 images for this example to account for hover effects, etc... Only the styles actually used are built.