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Starred repositories
AlexeyAB / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetYOLOv4 / Scaled-YOLOv4 / YOLO - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
microsoft / DTrace-on-Windows
Forked from opendtrace/opendtraceCode for the cross platform, single source, OpenDTrace implementation
erikkaashoek / tinySA
Forked from ttrftech/NanoVNAtiny Spectrum Analyzer
Hack tool for atomcam and wyzecam.
Gregwar / mongoose-cpp
Forked from cesanta/mongooseC++ binding for Mongoose
ZigFisher / openipc-1.0
Forked from openwrt/chaos_calmerExperiments with OpenWrt + Hi35xx and other SoC's
Ingenic T10 T20 SDK 3.9.0 20161209
lcgamboa / MicroDSO
Forked from ardyesp/DLO-138An open source firmware for DSO-138 O-Scope
AeroQuad / AQ32Plus
Forked from jihlein/AQ32PlusSTM32 F4 Quadcopter Flight Software for AQ32 hardware
michalgr / bcc
Forked from iovisor/bccBCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
roleoroleo / minimp4
Forked from lieff/minimp4Minimalistic MP4 mux/demux single header library
ubis / openwrt
Forked from openwrt/openwrtThis repository is a mirror of https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests…
jonlamb-gh / h264_decoder
Forked from meerkat-cv/h264_decoderSimple C++ (with python wrapper) h264 stream decoder
themactep / Ingenic-SDK-T10T20-3.12.0-20180320
Forked from Ozzyminted/Ingenic-SDK-T10T20-3.12.0-20180320trcwm / openpnp-capture
Forked from openpnp/openpnp-captureA cross platform video capture library with a focus on machine vision.
openmiko / mjpg-streamer
Forked from jacksonliam/mjpg-streamerFork of http://sourceforge.net/projects/mjpg-streamer/
jonlamb-gh / fat_io_lib-1
Forked from ultraembedded/fat_io_libSmall footprint, low dependancy, C code implementation of a FAT16 & FAT32 driver.
awesome-consumer-iot / HIVIEW
Forked from openhisilicon/HIVIEWMulti-process software framework for hisilicon (海思) ipc/dvr/nvr/ebox
Biangkerok32 / ipcam-view
Forked from niqdev/ipcam-viewMJPEG video streaming on Android
deliangyang / asuswrt-merlin
Forked from RMerl/asuswrt-merlinEnhanced version of Asus's router firmware (Asuswrt)
softplus / tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi-ble-bk7231n
Forked from tuya/tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi-ble-bk7231nTuya IoTOS Embeded SDK WiFi & BLE for BK7231N