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Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite

This template should help you start developing with Vue 3, Typescript 4.9, and Vite 4.

Build instructions

This project requires Node 18+.

You will also need yarn

To install packages and run dev server

yarn install
yarn dev

Build for prod

yarn build

Build/watch in dev mode

yarn watch:dev

Run unit tests

yarn test

State management: pinia

This project uses pinia.

pinia stores are under stores.

NOTE: this project used to use vuex but it has been replaced by pinia.


Project routes make use of vue-router.

Recommended IDE Setup


Developer workflow

Developer workflow for development -> build -> fast deploy. There may be issues running the vite development server since it runs on a different port than OpenNMS; OpenNMS menu items and URLs will point to that port instead of the vite port.

  • assuming your local OpenNMS Horizon code is in ~/projects/opennms

  • write your code

  • from your ~/projects/opennms/ui directory, run yarn dev or yarn watch:dev to build in development mode (or yarn build for production / minified mode)

  • have a console window open in the target directory where the built/deployed files need to be, e.g., ~/projects/opennms/target/opennms-XX.X.X-SNAPSHOT/jetty-webapps/opennms/ui

  • after build completes, run cp ~/projects/opennms/ui/dist/assets/*.* assets to copy all the built JS and other asset files, then run cp ~/projects/opennms/ui/dist/index.html . to copy the new index.html file

  • from target/snapshot/jetty-webapps/opennms/ui, occasionally run rm assets/*.* to clear out old files

  • refresh your browser, which points at http://localhost:8980/opennms/ui/index.html#/nodes or similar

  • test and debug code, use browser F12 Developer Tools to set breakpoints, view console output, inspect elements, etc.


Formatting should use the .prettierrc file. For VSCode, install the Prettier extension, go to the IDE Settings and set this formatter to take precedence.

Use <script setup>

<script setup>. To get proper IDE support for the syntax, use Volar.

On serving & routing

The SPA assets are currently hosted on Jetty via the /opennms application.

The SpaRoutingFilter serve up the index.html page for URLs that do not refer to project assets.