- Build script and patches to build host kernel/module/app (CentOS 8.1/CentOS 7.x)
- Build scripts to build OS images for VCAC-A card (Ubuntu 18.04).
Get the Release Notes and Software Installation guide for how to setup the VCAC-A card from links below:
Detailed instruction is distributed via User Guide.
Before being able to build and run docker, you will need install docker on your system. Please use https://docs.docker.com/install to install docker-ce.
cd VCAC-SW/VCAC-A/Intel_Media_Analytics_Host/scripts/
./build.sh -o <centos7/centos8>
centos7: build kernel and module for CentOS7.4 or CentOS7.6
centos8: build kernel and module for CentOS8.1
If the docker images used for compiling have been generated in an earlier execution, user can save time required to build them again by the following executions:
./build.sh -s -o <centos7/centos8>
cd VCAC-SW/VCAC-A/Intel_Media_Analytics_Node/scripts/
run: vcad_build.sh -o <BASIC/FULL/EXTENDED> <options>
BASIC: basic OS image only with modules
FULL: OS image with MSS/OpenVINO installed
EXTENDED: installed binaries provides interfaces to mircrobenchmark tool
Check more options via 'vcad_build.sh -h', and below are some examples:
- Skip downloading source code and dependencies, put the files under /PATH/TO/PACKAGE/cache, then pass "-c" flag:
vcad_build.sh -o <BASIC/FULL/EXTENDED> -c
- If the docker images used for compiling have been generated in an earlier execution, user can save time required to build them again by the following executions:
vcad_build.sh -o <BASIC/FULL/EXTENDED> -s
- The size of the vcad system image is set to 48GB by default. And the system image size is configurable through passing flag "-e" followed by the image size measured in GB
vcad_build.sh -o <BASIC/FULL/EXTENDED> -e 24
Use GitHub's "issues" or "pull-request" features, or reach via e-mail directly developers: Zhao, Ping or Liu, Yi (for e-mail addresses, look in git log).