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DiffTest (差分测试): a modern co-simulation framework for RISC-V processors.

Generate Example Verilog

DiffTest interfaces are provided in Chisel bundles and expected to be integrated into Chisel designs with auto-generated C++ interfaces. However, we also provide examples of the generated Verilog modules.

make difftest_verilog NOOP_HOME=$(pwd)

Example Usage

  1. Add this submodule to your design.

In Git .gitmodules:

[submodule "difftest"]
	path = difftest
	url =

In Mill

object difftestDep extends with PublishModule {
  override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "difftest"

  override def pomSettings = T {

  override def publishVersion = T {

In Makefile:

emu: sim-verilog
  1. Add difftest modules (in Chisel or Verilog) to your design.
import difftest._

val difftest = DifftestModule(new DiffInstrCommit, delay = 1, dontCare = true)
difftest.clock  := clock
difftest.coreid := 0.U
difftest.index  := 0.U
difftest.valid  :=
difftest.pc     := SignExt(, AddrBits)
difftest.instr  :=
difftest.skip   :=
difftest.isRVC  :=, 0)=/="b11".U
difftest.rfwen  := io.wb.rfWen && io.wb.rfDest =/= 0.U
difftest.wdest  := io.wb.rfDest
difftest.wpdest := io.wb.rfDest
  1. Generate verilog files for simulation.

  2. make emu and start simulating & debugging!

We provide example designs, including:


Currently we are supporting the RISC-V base ISA as well as some extensions, including Float/Double, Debug, and Vector. We also support checking the cache coherence via RefillTest.

Probe Name Descriptions Mandatory
DiffArchEvent Exceptions and interrupts Yes
DiffInstrCommit Executed instructions Yes
DiffTrapEvent Simulation environment call Yes
DiffArchIntRegState General-purpose registers Yes
DiffArchFpRegState Floating-point registers No
DiffArchVecRegState Floating-point registers No
DiffCSRState Control and status registers Yes
DiffVecCSRState Control and status registers No
DiffDebugMode Debug mode registers No
DiffIntWriteback General-purpose writeback operations No
DiffFpWriteback Floating-point writeback operations No
DiffArchIntDelayedUpdate Delayed general-purpose writeback No
DiffArchFpDelayedUpdate Delayed floating-point writeback No
DiffStoreEvent Store operations No
DiffSbufferEvent Store buffer operations No
DiffLoadEvent Load operations No
DiffAtomicEvent Atomic operations No
DiffL1TLBEvent L1 TLB operations No
DiffL2TLBEvent L2 TLB operations No
DiffRefillEvent Cache refill operations No
DiffLrScEvent Executed LR/SC instructions No

The DiffTest framework comes with a simulation framework with some top-level IOs.

  • LogCtrlIO
  • PerfInfoIO

For compatibility on different platforms, the CPU should access a C++ memory via DPI-C interfaces. This memory will be initialized in C++.

val mem = DifftestMem(memByte, 8)
when (wen) {
    addr = wIdx,
    data =, UInt(8.W))),
    mask = in.w.bits.strb.asBools
val rdata = mem.readAndHold(rIdx, ren).asUInt

To use DiffTest, please include all necessary modules and top-level IOs in your design. It's worth noting the Chisel Bundles may have arguments with default values. Please set the correct parameters for the interfaces.

Further reference