DiffTest (差分测试): a modern co-simulation framework for RISC-V processors.
DiffTest interfaces are provided in Chisel bundles and expected to be integrated into Chisel designs with auto-generated C++ interfaces. However, we also provide examples of the generated Verilog modules.
make difftest_verilog NOOP_HOME=$(pwd)
- Add this submodule to your design.
In your Git project:
git submodule add https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/difftest.git
In Mill build.sc
import $file.difftest.build
// We recommend using a fixed Chisel version.
object difftest extends millbuild.difftest.build.CommonDiffTest {
def crossValue: String = "3.5.6"
override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "difftest"
// This is for advanced users only. All supported Chisel versions are listed in `build.sc`.
// To pass a cross value to difftest:
object difftest extends Cross[millbuild.difftest.build.CommonDiffTest](chiselVersions) {
override def millSourcePath = os.pwd / "difftest"
In Makefile
emu: sim-verilog
- Add difftest modules (in Chisel or Verilog) to your design.
import difftest._
val difftest = DifftestModule(new DiffInstrCommit, delay = 1, dontCare = true)
difftest.valid := io.in.valid
difftest.pc := SignExt(io.in.bits.decode.cf.pc, AddrBits)
difftest.instr := io.in.bits.decode.cf.instr
difftest.skip := io.in.bits.isMMIO
difftest.isRVC := io.in.bits.decode.cf.instr(1, 0)=/="b11".U
difftest.rfwen := io.wb.rfWen && io.wb.rfDest =/= 0.U
difftest.wdest := io.wb.rfDest
difftest.wpdest := io.wb.rfDest
- Call
val difftesst = DifftestModule.finish(cpu: String)
at the top module whose name should beSimTop
. The variable namedifftest
must be used to ensure DiffTest could capture the input signals.
An optional UART input/output can be connected to DiffTest. DiffTest will automatically DontCare it internally.
val difftest = DifftestModule.finish("Demo")
// Optional UART connections. Remove this line if UART is not needed.
difftest.uart <> mmio.io.uart
Generate verilog files for simulation.
make emu
and start simulating & debugging!
We provide example designs, including:
Currently we are supporting the RISC-V base ISA as well as some extensions, including Float/Double, Debug, and Vector. We also support checking the cache coherence via RefillTest.
Probe Name | Descriptions | Mandatory |
DiffArchEvent |
Exceptions and interrupts | Yes |
DiffInstrCommit |
Executed instructions | Yes |
DiffTrapEvent |
Simulation environment call | Yes |
DiffArchIntRegState |
General-purpose registers | Yes |
DiffArchFpRegState |
Floating-point registers | No |
DiffArchVecRegState |
Floating-point registers | No |
DiffCSRState |
Control and status registers | Yes |
DiffVecCSRState |
Control and status registers | No |
DiffDebugMode |
Debug mode registers | No |
DiffIntWriteback |
General-purpose writeback operations | No |
DiffFpWriteback |
Floating-point writeback operations | No |
DiffArchIntDelayedUpdate |
Delayed general-purpose writeback | No |
DiffArchFpDelayedUpdate |
Delayed floating-point writeback | No |
DiffStoreEvent |
Store operations | No |
DiffSbufferEvent |
Store buffer operations | No |
DiffLoadEvent |
Load operations | No |
DiffAtomicEvent |
Atomic operations | No |
DiffL1TLBEvent |
L1 TLB operations | No |
DiffL2TLBEvent |
L2 TLB operations | No |
DiffRefillEvent |
Cache refill operations | No |
DiffLrScEvent |
Executed LR/SC instructions | No |
The DiffTest framework comes with a simulation framework with some top-level IOs.
These IOs can be used along with the controller wrapper at src/main/scala/common/LogPerfControl.scala
For compatibility on different platforms, the CPU should access a C++ memory via DPI-C interfaces. This memory will be initialized in C++.
val mem = DifftestMem(memByte, 8)
when (wen) {
addr = wIdx,
data = in.w.bits.data.asTypeOf(Vec(DataBytes, UInt(8.W))),
mask = in.w.bits.strb.asBools
val rdata = mem.readAndHold(rIdx, ren).asUInt
To use DiffTest, please include all necessary modules and top-level IOs in your design. It's worth noting the Chisel Bundles may have arguments with default values. Please set the correct parameters for the interfaces.