This sample contains sbt build settings and test classes for illustrating multi-node testing with Akka.
Please refer to the full documentation of multi-node testing and the closely related multi-jvm testing for details. There is also an section on cluster testing.
Open project/plugins.sbt.
It adds the sbt-multi-jvm plugin to the build.
Open build.sbt.
It includes the MultiJvm settings that are needed to run multi-jvm tests.
Open MultiNodeSample.scala.
Note that MultiJvm test sources are located in src/multi-jvm/...
and the test classes must end with MultiJvm
followed by the node name, typicallyNode1
, Node2
, Node3
To hook up the MultiNodeSpec with with ScalaTest you need something like STMultiNodeSpec.scala.
To see the test in action, type the following sbt multi-jvm:test
In case you have many tests in the project it can be convenient to run a single test from the sbt prompt:
> multi-jvm:testOnly sample.multinode.MultiNodeSampleSpec
The same test can be run on multiple machines as described in the multi-node testing documentation.