Experimental tidal OSC listener.
Move to the repository directory and run cabal install
On Linux systems, the tidal-listener
binary will be found inside ~/.cabal/bin/
This is a work-in-progress and the below is not yet implemented.
Basic protocol ideas (>
, incoming message <
, outgoing message)
> /ping
< /pong
run code, get ok or errors back
> /code <id> <source>
< /code/ok
< /code/error <id> <error message>
Set a name (optional, doesn't have to be unique)
> /name <name>
< /name/ok
'Expand' an expression into canonical mininotation, ref tidalcycles#633
< /expand <code>
> /expand/ok <expanded code>
Set port listening to replies (if not the sending port)
> /port <number>
< /port/ok
Set highlights on, get stream of active code spans+durations back (or set it off again)
> /highlights/on
< /highlights/on ok
> /highlights/off
< /highlights/off ok
< /code/highlight <pattern id> <duration> <cycle position> <col> <row> <col> <row>
get current cps
> /cps
< /cps <number>
set cps
> /cps/set <number>
< /cps/set ok
< /cps <number> - sent to all clients ?
Show which patterns are playing/currently active:
> /nowplaying/ <d1?>
< /nowplaying/ true/false -- add highlighting to variables currently active?
Show events using queryArc -- from tidalcycles/tidal-listener#1
> queryArc "some pattern" arcsize
< [((1,1),(2,1)),((1,1),(2,1))|"a",[((1,1),(2,1)),((3,1),(4,1))]0-(½>1)|"b"]
> getEvents 4 8 (s "bd ~ cp/4")
Show length of sample -- from https://club.tidalcycles.org/t/ticking-sound-on-splice-and-cps-question/3033
> /samplelength/ "bev"
< /samplelength/ 16
We probably need a way to add an identifier to incoming commands that gets added to outgoing commands, to help clients match up replies.