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In which we give Lokaltog/vim-easymotion a streak of malevolence.

Suppose you're a proud user of evil, but you have a nasty habit: when you want to move ten lines down, you spam j ten times instead of using the ergonomically superior 10j. With evil-easymotion you can invoke SPCj, and this plugin will put a target character on every possible position. Type the character on the target and wham! you have teleported there.

Obligatory screencast


Currently most motions are supported, and it's easy to define your own easymotions. Easymotions can also be composed with operators e.g. dSPCj to delete a bunch of lines.


The evil-easymotion API has changed to use keyword arguments. The required changes (if any) to your config should be pretty self-explanatory. This should allow me to add more options in the future without breaking your config.

Basic Usage

To define easymotions for all motions that evil defines by default, add

(evilem-default-keybindings "SPC")

This binds all motions under the prefix SPC in evil-motion-state-map. This is not done by default for motions defined manually. You will need to supply the prefix.

Or, if you prefer more granular control:

(evilem-define (kbd "SPC w") 'evil-forward-word-begin)

You can always drop by the wiki for more tips.

Building Your Own Motions


Where present, collectors is used as the motion specification for generating jump points. It may be an (optionally sharp) quoted function name, a lambda, or a list of any of the above. If multiple functions are provided, the collected points are merged and presented at once.


evil-easymotion provides four user-facing macros:

  • (evilem-make-motion-plain name collectors &key ...)

    Produce a function, named name, from collectors.

  • (evilem-make-motion name collectors &key ...)

    Like evilem-make-motion-plain, but produce an evil motion produced with evil-define-motion instead of a plain defun.

  • (evilem-create-plain collectors &key ...)

    Like evil-make-motion-plain, but with an automatically generated name.

  • (evilem-create collectors &key ...)

    evilem-create : evil-evilem-make-motion :: evilem-create-plain : evilem-make-motion-plain

  • (evilem-define key collectors)

    Like evilem-create, but also bind the generated function to key in the relevant maps (either evil-normal-state or evil-motion-state, depending on other flags).

Keyword arguments

In addition, various keyword arguments may be used to modify the behavior of the easymotion.

  • :pre-hook expr

    Code to run before the easymotion executes. expr may either be an (optionally sharp) quoted function name, a lambda, or a bare sexp, which is implictly wrapped in a lambda.

  • :post-hook expr

    Like :pre-hook expr, but code is run after the motion finishes.

  • :bind forms

    A list of forms to bind around the entire easymotion. forms may be any bindings accepted by cl-letf*.

  • :scope object

    An object to limit the scope of an easymotion. object may be any thing understood by thing-at-point. In practice, object will often be 'line.

  • :all-windows expr

    If expr is non-nil, the motion will be executed in all visible windows simultaneously. Because evil motions do not make sense across windows, evil-define-command is used instead of evil-define-motion and evil-normal-state-map is used instead of evil-motion-state-map.

  • :initial-position callable

    When specified, (goto-char (funcall callable)) is run before the motion is executed. For example, use this to jump to the BOL of each line as in easymotion with :initial-position #'point-at-bol. Unlike in :pre-hook, callable is run once per window when :all-windows is specified.

  • :push-jump expr

    When expr is non-nil, the motion will push to the evil jump list before jumping. This defaults to t when the motion is un:scopeed.

  • :collect-postprocess callable

    When specified, callable is called on the collected list of points (which is of the form ((point window)...)). Otherwise, the default function, which sorts the points in order of increasing distance from (point), is used.


I'm deeply indebted to:


evil-easymotion, purified of evil






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