PDF417.mobi SDK is a delightful component for quick and easy scanning of PDF417 and many other types of 1D and 2D barcodes. The SDK offers:
- world leading technology for scanning PDF417 barcodes
- fast, accurate and robust scanning for all other barcode formats
- integrated camera management
- layered API, allowing everything from simple integration to complex UX customizations.
- lightweight and no internet connection required
- enteprise-level security standards
- data parsing from US Drivers licenses
PDF417.mobi is part of family of SDKs developed by MicroBlink for optical text recognition, barcode scanning, ID document scanning and many others.
- Download PDF417.mobi SDK and try out the included iOS sample apps
- Read the "Getting Started" guide to integrate the SDK in your app(s)
- Generate a free demo license key to start using the SDK in your app (registration required)
- Get information about pricing and licensing of pdf417.mobi
- Check out the comprehensive documentation of all APIs available in PDF417.mobi SDK
- If you're using CocoaPods, you can easily try our sample apps by running the following command in your terminal window:
pod try PPpdf417
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like PDF417.mobi in your projects. See the "Getting Started" guide for more information.
platform :ios, '6.0'
pod 'PPpdf417', '~> 4.2.1'
SDK package contains MicroBlink framework and one or more sample apps which demonstrate framework integration. Framework can be deployed on iOS 6.0 or later, iPhone 3GS or newer and iPad 2 or newer.
SDK performs significantly better when the images obtained from the camera are focused. Because of that, the SDK can have lower perfomance on iPad 2 and iPod Touch 4th gen devices, which don't have camera with autofocus.
See the steps for integrating the SDK in your apps.
See what's new in each new SDK version.
See detailed description for transition from older version of the SDK.
List of references (some) using PDF417.mobi SDK can be found here.
- Obtaining free demo license key (registration required) www.microblink.com/login
- Asking for technical help: help.microblink.com
- Information about licensing and pricing: pdf417.mobi
Copyright (c) 2015 MicroBlink Ltd. All rights reserved.