LimSim is a Long-term Interactive Multi-scenario traffic Simulator, which aims to provide a continuous simulation capability under the complex urban road network.
The code is about to be released. Checkout the YouTube playlist first for our awesome videos!
Long-term: Traffic flow can be generated over long periods under the guidance of demand and route planning.
Diversity: The built-in behavioral models take heterogeneous driving styles of vehicles into account.
Interactivity: Vehicles in the scenario area are controlled address sophisticated interactions among vehicles.
Multi-scenario: The universal road components supports a variety of road structures in the real world.
LimSim has a cross-platform user-friendly GUI, which includes not only a beautiful simulation interface, but also information on road network and ego-vehicle status.
LimSim supports road scenarios not limited to freeways, signalized intersections, roundabouts and overpasses.
After running a long-term simulation with all kinds of scenarios contained in it, LimSim generates a log report and extract the key scenarios via the evaluation results.
LimSim supports co-simulation with CARLA and SUMO, guaranteeing that all three softwares show identical vehicle status.
LimSim is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
If you have any suggestions or collaboration about this repo, feel free to create a issue/PR or send email to us ([email protected]).