Link to bitnami ghost docs:
Link to ghost docs:
Backup the content by going to the admin area (/ghost) -> Labs -> Export your content. Now backup the ghost persistance content:
cd /var/docker/ghost/ghost-persistence/ghost/ && tar cfvz ~/content_backup.tar.gz content
To check the content of the tar use
tar -ztvf ~/content_backup.tar.gz
You can also transfer the snapshot via scp to your machine, current directory:
scp hal:content_backup.tar.gz .
Let's follow bitnami upgrade steps:
@hal:~$ docker pull bitnami/ghost:latest
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ docker-compose stop blog
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ sudo rsync -a /var/docker/ghost/ghost-persistence /var/docker/ghost/ghost-persistence.bkp.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H.%M.%S)
@hal:~$ docker pull bitnami/mariadb:latest
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ docker-compose stop mariadb
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ sudo rsync -a /var/docker/ghost/mariadb-persistence /var/docker/ghost/mariadb-persistence.bkp.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H.%M.%S)
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ docker-compose rm -v mariadb
Going to remove ghost_mariadb_1
Are you sure? [yN] y
Removing ghost_mariadb_1 ... done
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ docker-compose rm blog
Going to remove ghost_blog_1
Are you sure? [yN] y
Removing ghost_blog_1 ... done
@hal:/var/docker/ghost$ docker-compose up
blog_1 | WARN ==> You set the environment variable ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes. For safety reasons, do not use this flag in a production environment.
blog_1 | mysql-c INFO Trying to connect to MySQL server
mariadb_1 | 2021-01-03 20:29:46 3 [Warning] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: '' (This connection closed normally without authentication)
blog_1 | mysql-c INFO Found MySQL server listening at mariadb:3306
blog_1 | mysql-c INFO MySQL server listening and working at mariadb:3306
blog_1 | [20:29:50] Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user [started]
blog_1 | [20:29:50] Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user [failed]
blog_1 | [20:29:50] → You can't run commands with the "ghost" user. Switch to your own user and try again.
blog_1 | [20:29:50] Checking if logged in user is directory owner [started]
blog_1 | Your user does not own the directory /opt/bitnami/ghost. This might cause permission issues.
blog_1 | [20:29:50] Checking if logged in user is directory owner [completed]
blog_1 | [20:29:50] Checking folder permissions [started]
blog_1 | [20:29:52] Checking folder permissions [failed]
blog_1 | [20:29:52] → Your installation folder contains some directories or files with incorrect permissions:
blog_1 | - ./
blog_1 | - ./versions
blog_1 | - ./versions/3.40.2
blog_1 | - ./versions/3.40.2/content
blog_1 | - ./versions/3.40.2/content/data
blog_1 | - ./versions/3.40.2/core/server/models/base
blog_1 | - ./licenses
blog_1 | - ./logs
blog_1 | Run sudo find ./ -type d -exec chmod 00775 {} \; and try again.
blog_1 | [20:29:52] Checking file permissions [started]
blog_1 | [20:29:52] Checking file permissions [failed]
blog_1 | [20:29:52] → Your installation folder contains some directories or files with incorrect permissions:
blog_1 | - ./.ghost-cli
blog_1 | - ./licenses/ghost-3.40.2.txt
blog_1 | Run sudo find ./ ! -path "./versions/*" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \; and try again.
blog_1 | One or more errors occurred.
blog_1 |
blog_1 | 1) Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
blog_1 |
blog_1 | Message: You can't run commands with the "ghost" user. Switch to your own user and try again.
blog_1 | Help:
blog_1 |
blog_1 |
blog_1 | 2) Checking folder permissions
blog_1 |
blog_1 | Message: Your installation folder contains some directories or files with incorrect permissions:
blog_1 | - ./
blog_1 | - ./versions
blog_1 | - ./versionsDebug Information:
blog_1 | OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v10
blog_1 | Node Version: v14.15.3
blog_1 | Ghost Version: 3.40.2
blog_1 | Ghost-CLI Version: 1.15.3
blog_1 | Environment: production
blog_1 | Command: 'ghost start'
blog_1 |
blog_1 | Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
blog_1 |
blog_1 | You can always refer to for troubleshooting.
ghost_blog_1 exited with code 1