Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch
Fast and flexible image augmentation library. Paper about the library:
Image augmentation for machine learning experiments.
Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
This repository contains code examples for the Stanford's course: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research.
🐍 Geometric Computer Vision Library for Spatial AI
Pretrained ConvNets for pytorch: NASNet, ResNeXt, ResNet, InceptionV4, InceptionResnetV2, Xception, DPN, etc.
Pytorch implementation of our method for high-resolution (e.g. 2048x1024) photorealistic video-to-video translation.
A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch
Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation (CVPR 2019)
Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also …
Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation
This repo contains source code and materials for the TEmporally COherent GAN SIGGRAPH project.
Deformable Convolutional Networks
StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2020)
Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image"
Python tools for 3D face: 3DMM, Mesh processing(transform, camera, light, render), 3D face representations.
Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
Collection of generative models in Pytorch version.
Image Deblurring using Generative Adversarial Networks
Code for the paper "Improved Techniques for Training GANs"
Pytorch-based tools for visualizing and understanding the neurons of a GAN.
Implementation of Non-local Block.