This is an attempt to build a cohesive module of algorithms in Python.
The purpose of this repo is to be a learning tool for myself and others.
I used psuedo code from various sources and I have listed them as references in the source code of each algorithm.
Data Structures:
- Queue
- Stack
- Disjoint Set
- Single Linked List
- Undirected Graph
- Digraph
- Bogo Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Cocktail Sort
- Comb Sort
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- In Place Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Shell Sort
- Gnome Sort
- Binary Search
- Boyer-Moore-Horspool
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Rabin-Karp
- Depth First Search (Recursive)
- Knuth/Fisher-Yates Shuffle
- Extended GCD
- Standard Normal Probability Density Function
- Cumulative Density Function (Approximation; 16 digit precision for 300 iter.)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
Dynamic Programming:
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Mersenne Twister
If you want to use the algorithms directly, simply
$ pip install algorithms
If you want to examine the algorithms source, then you should clone this repo.
Once installed you can simply do the following in your program:
from algorithms.sorting import bubble_sort my_list = bubble_sort.sort(my_list)
All prequisites for the algorithms are listed in the source code for each algorithm.
Pytest is used as the main test runner and all Unit Tests can be run with:
$ ./
If there is an algorithm or data structure that you do not see, but would like to add please feel free to do a pull request. I only ask two things:
- For each algorithm and data structure you implement please have corresponding unit tests to prove correctness.
- Please make sure that your module follows similar style guidelines that are laid out in the other modules.
I want to personally thank everybody that has contributed so far and your names will be added to AUTHORS.rst.
See TODO.rst.