real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects.
Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in.
Nintendo Switch Cleaner and Builder. A batchfile, python and html script based in hacbuild and Nut's python libraries. Designed initially to erase titlerights encryption from nsp files and make mul…
An app made in python to manage GreenLuma 2024 AppList
An app made in python to manage GreenLuma Reborn AppList
DamNums: a damage numbers mod for GZDoom/QZDoom.
Python files used for the course "Telecommunication Systems" of the Department of Informatics and Telematics at the Harokopio University of Athens