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Get started with Mantine + RainbowKit + Next with just a few button clicks.
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
Next.js 13 + Tailwind CSS v3 starter template
Admin dashboard template.
A starter hardhat project for developing, deploying, and testing Solidity smart contracts on the FEVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine on Filecoin)
Flask Stripe Sample - Soft UI Design (Free Sample) | AppSeed
This is a good project to use as a starting point for your AssemblyScript project. Click "Use this template" just above the list of files to get started
Solana blockchain candy machine app boilerplate on top of Metaplex Candy Machine. NextJS, Tailwind, Anchor, SolanaLabs.React, dev/mainnet automation scripts.