First, check out our corresponding paper, or the slides from our talk at the CIW'19 workshop at the Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019 conference.
Then follow the instructions below to get familiar with the implementation.
We provided a docker container (see instruction below) for running the DKG protocol. The docker container can be used to execute the provided test cases as well as the CLI client application.
It is probably a good idea to read through our paper before going through the instructions below.
In the ./client
folder we provide test cases for different scenarios.
To execute the test cases perform the following steps:
- start the docker container (automatically starts a ganache-cli instance)
docker run -p -it ethdkg
- using an additional terminal window, connect to docker container to get a shell inside
docker ps
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
- within the container shell, switch to the
directory - run
pytest -p no:cacheprovider
to execute all tests, (be patient, some tests might take a while)
The CLI client application
is located in the ./client
Try running python3 --help
for information more infos on the CLI interface.
To test the DKG protocol with e.g. 4 clients perform the following steps:
- open 6 terminal windows
(1 for each client, 1 for ganache-cli, 1 for deployment & invoking further commands) - in terminal 1, start the docker container to get a shell
docker run -p -it ethdkg /bin/bash
- in terminal 2-6, connect to the docker container
docker ps
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
- in terminal 1, start the ganache instance
(ensure that that ganache has at least as many accounts as the number of participants in the DKG protocol, the default of 10 works for up to 10 clients)
ganache-cli --host --verbose
- in terminal 2, deploy the DKG smart contract
python3 deploy
- in terminals 3, 4 and 5, start a DKG client using ethereum account 0, 1 and 2 respectively;
use the contract address you get from step 5 as common address
python3 run 0 <contract address>
python3 run 1 <contract address>
python3 run 2 <contract address>
- in terminal 6, repeat step 6 for ethereum account 3 or test the handling of failures and dispute using either of the following command to simulate adversarial behavior:
- Abort the protocol after registration
python3 run 3 <contract address> --abort-after-registration
- Send invalid shares to node with id 1
python3 run 3 <contract address> --send-invalid-shares 1
(you can also specify more that one id)
- Abort the protocol after registration
Now the DKG clients automatically execute the protocol. When the protocol phase changes (e.g. from registration to key sharing) the DKG client application automatically waits for the next phase to start.
To continue operation, one needs to tell ganache-cli to mine blocks -- in the default configuration new blocks are only produced when when a transaction is received.
To instruct ganache to mine e.g. 10 new blocks you can use the helper function we provide in the
python3 -c 'import utils; utils.mine_blocks(10)'
As an alternative (in step 4.) you can also start ganache-cli such that it automatically produces a block e.g. every 15 seconds using the following command:
ganache-cli --host --blockTime 15 --verbose
You need to make sure that you quickly start the client application after deployment of the contract.
Registration is only possible within time window of 20 blocks after the contract is deployed.
This setting be adjusted in the DKG contract itself ./contracts/DKG.sol
and is set relative short to enable faster testing.
Follow the instruction on to install docker.
From root folder of repository run:
docker build -t ethdkg .
Start the container and run the Ethereum ganache-cli node: docker run -p -it ethdkg
Start the container without ganache-cli:
docker run -p -it ethdkg /bin/bash
List all containers:
docker ps
Connect to running container to get a shell:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
docker rmi ethdkg -f
Ganache (more specifically ganache-cli) is a CLI frontend to a locally running Ethereum node used for development purpose only. Ganache is preinstalled in the provided docker image.
To start ganache-cli manually:
ganache-cli --host
(new block for each transaction)
ganache-cli --host --blockTime 15 --verbose --accounts 100
(new block every 15 seconds)
Mine a new block (from local machine or docker):
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_mine","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8545
Alternatively one can you our helper package
to mine e.g. 10 blocks:
python3 -c 'import utils; utils.mine_blocks(10)'
Currently, the web3
package has a dependency issue when used with pipenv
Therefore installation of all dependencies with pipenv
requires the following work around:
rm -rf Pipfile.lock && rm -rf ~/.cache/pip && rm -rf ~/.cache/pipenv && pipenv install --skip-lock web3 && pipenv lock --pre --clear
The python bindings for the solidity compiler are currently not compatible with solc
in version 0.5.
Just stick to version 0.4.25 from for now.
Extract and copy to /usr/bin/solc under Ubuntu.
Use e.g. to obtain testnet Ether.
Create some new accounts with geth and supply them with funds:
geth --testnet account new
geth --testnet account import <path_to_private_key_file>
geth --testnet account import <(echo private_key_ without_0x)
Follow to install geth.
Starting a local geth node:
geth --testnet --syncmode light --rpc
Starting a local geth node and unlock the account(s):
geth --testnet --syncmode light --rpc --unlock 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 --password <(echo -n)
I would like to express my very great appreciation to my co-authors Aljosha Judmayer and Nicholas Stifter for the excellent collaboration and support throughout the design and implementation of this project, a variety of critical discussions, and their valuable contributions to the paper.