You need to register at and get a free Boxcar Account. In addition you need the free Boxcar App from Apple Appstore on your iOS Device.
- Hardware supported by Service (ATM only iOS, Android coming soon - perhaps)
The following snippet can be used within the plugin.yaml.
class_name: Boxcar
class_path: plugins.boxcar
apikey: abcdefghij123456 # Get it from your Boxcar Account
email: [email protected] # Registered with Boxcar
Attributes apikey and email need to be set.
Not needed yet.
To push a message to your iOS Device just call
sh.bc('House at Tulpenstrasse',' Waschmaschine fertig!')
is the main smarthome instance.
is the name of the plugin instance (defined in plugins.yaml).
Two parameters with text to be send are supported. If you only want to send one string, set the second string to an empty string.