- [Jonathan Levin - DYLD DetaYLeD](
- [Jonathan Levin - Code Signing](
- Jonathan Levin - The Apple Sandbox ([Video]( and [Slides](
- Apple - Mach (Overview and API documentation (inside the XNU source in
)) - [nemo - Mach and MIG]( (examples are outdated and for PPC/Intel, but descriptions are still accurate)
- Ian Beer - Apple IPC ([Video]( and [Slides](
- Apple - IOKit (Overview and Fundamentals)
- qwertyoruiopz - Attacking XNU (Part [One]( and [Two](
- [Stefan Esser - Kernel Heap]( (I hope I don't get sued)
- geohot - evasi0n7
- Jonathan Levin - TaiG 8.0 - 8.1.2 (Part One and Two)
- Jonathan Levin - TaiG 8.1.3 - 8.4 (Part One and Two)
- Jonathan Levin - Who needs task_for_pid anyway?
- qwertyoruiopz - About the “tpwn” Local Privilege Escalation
- Ian Beer - task_t considered harmful
- Jonathan Levin - Pangu 9.2 - 9.3.3
- jndok - Exploiting Pegasus on OS X
- Siguza - Exploiting Pegasus on iOS
- Ian Beer - mach_portal
- qwertyoruiopz - iOS Reverse Engineering (Wiki and Papers)
- Ian Beer - All the bugs he has killed